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Re: [Juju-gui-peeps] CDO travel swap day policy


Gary Poster wrote:
> Hi everybody.  Good news from Robbie and Deryck and Antonio.
> Going forward, if you travel over the weekend for business to and from
> a location across the Atlantic or Pacific, then you can take two swap
> days afterwards.  The rationale is that it takes two full weekend days
> to travel to and from a sprint.

And how much rejoicing was there? Much! :-)

> If you do the same (weekend travel for business) but don't cross the
> Atlantic or Pacific, you can take one swap day afterward.  The
> rationale is that it takes two half weekend days to travel to/from a
> more local destination.

Ehi look, more rejoicing! :-)

Thanks, Gary and Robbie and Deryck and Antonio. :-)

But wait, what if I have to fly from Cape Town to Novosibirsk? ;-)

Nicola 'teknico' Larosa <https://launchpad.net/~teknico>
