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Re: Zeitgeist hackfest in Bolzano 2009



Le mardi 04 août 2009, à 23:58 +0200, daniel g. siegel a écrit :
> hello!
> we finally managed to get a list of attendees of the zeitgeist hackfest,
> which should happen from november 9th to 12th, including the sfscon
> conference on 13th.
> the list is not final, but will give a good idea, how much money we
> would have to rise. it just includes the costs to get to bolzano and
> back, mostly flying or travelling by train to munich and then to bolzano
> by train again.
> the price per night in the hostel should be around 20-30 per night and
> person. patrick, could you tell us more about the actual costs?

(would be nice to know more about the costs there :-))

> i hope, that we are able to create a wonderful hackfest, which could
> really help a lot making gnome 3.0 a rocking release.

So, assuming that the accomodation costs are not too high, we'll approve
the hackfest. We're already contacting some potential sponsors to cover
the costs of the event!

Daniel, so what are the next steps? Do you need anything from us?



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