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Re: Time pressure


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Seif Lotfy <seif@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey guys here my quick take on why we are under time pressure:
> 1) We need to show GNOME that we have been coming forward and not standing
> still after the 0.2.1 release
> 2) We need to get 0.3 rolling quickly since alot of projects are starting to
> depend on the API of 0.2 and incase we want to break it should happen now!
> 3) Keep up the momentum
> 4) We can take a big break afterwards :P
> 5) Teamgeist and Docky want to fully depend on Zeitgeist thus we should meet
> them halfway (You might think why care if they want us they should stay with
> out momentum, but this is a wrong approach, especially if teamgeist is
> being developed by Collabora which will guarantee us alot of success if we
> make it (if we don't they have the manpower to rework zeitgeist from scratch
> making us redundant. Plus Docky is one of the most used apps on GNOME which
> will give us a prestige, they don't need us but we have the honor of them
> wanting to depend on us)
> 6) tackle open issues and narrow down problems for the hackfest
> Tell me if u dont like my points but they do put us or at least me under the
> impression of time pressure.
> Cheers
> Seif

As always, I'm seeing things a bit different ;)
But first of all, you are our contact to GNOME, so if you think we are
not making enough progress to justify their investment into our
Hackfest we should push harder.
But I think we have done alot of things after our 0.2.1 release, maybe
we have not produced alot of code, but we had alot of discussion ad
ended up writing a lot of things down. This all is also progress which
can be shown to GNOME as an indicator of progress.
IMO we should use the hackfest to discuss all this open questions in
detail in bozen, and we should try to release 0.3 with all the API, DB
whatever related changes a week after the hackfest, and present this
0.3 release as a result of our work there.

Your point 4-6 are no arguments for beeing under time pressure.

Follow ups
