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Message #01855
Re: python 2 to 3, any plan?
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:08 PM, François Boulogne
<fboulogne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have not seen discussion about an evolution from python2 to python3
> for zim (I looked in mail archives and in the bug tracker).
> Is there any plan for that? Is it on rails?
> The reason of my question is that I'm working on a code which archive
> links in zim notes and I started it in python3.
> I'm thinking about working on a plugin for zim (instead of an external
> application).
No concrete plan with a concrete timeline. I expect to go to python 3
sooner or later, but I don't see a need to migrate immediately.
In fact the main switch I see happening is moving to gtk3 with gir.
This gives a number of improvements in the interface and underlying
libraries. However last time I checked there were no gtk3 python
packages for windows.
Since both switching to python 3 and switching to gtk3 probably mean
me going over the code file by file to check for changes, I rather do
it in one go. So waiting for python 3 + gtk3 packages to become
available before I start planning that.
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