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Re: Bounty for folding


On 2012-11-14 11:02, jayseye wrote:
> In-reply-to: <CA+TmwMFGkTmJyB2Y2-hog_NmMtCs6z5ACipZRR1D6rc2EP2e8Q@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hello Jaap, and J.A. de Vries -
> I'd like to follow up on adding folding to Zim. Have yet to find this
> listed on the Wiki, as mentioned below.
> Has there been any progress, and/or is there still interest in this feature?
> Thanks!
> Marc Paul Rubin
> (jayseye)

Hi Marc Paul,

I am sorry, that's my fault. I promised to add some text to the wiki
describing what I had in mind, but I never found the time to do it. My
company has the good fortune to have more work than we can handle. We
are trying to find good personnel to expand our workforce, but we always
seem to have a gap between what we and our customers want and the
manhours available. Not that I am complaining in these difficult times
(economy-wise) ...

The bounty still stands!

What I have in mind isn't too difficult (based on my own professional
programming experience, which I admit is about 5 years old now).

What I'd like to have is a feature that makes it possible to fold lists
based on indenting. Those could be bulleted, numbered, checkbox or just
bare lists. Something I don't need, but might be of use to others (and
which I would also be willing to sponsor) is folding based on other
properties of the contents of a page. The action of folding should
preferably be initiated through both clicking on some visual symbol, and
through some keyboard shortcut.

I don't know if you have every used vim, but I really like vim-outliner.
Maybe you could take a peak at that to get inspiration.

Please don't hesitate to ask if you need more information.

P.S. Jaap, I use zim a lot and am willing to sponsor its development to
show my appreciation. I just don't have too much time to write bounty
requests to add to the wiki. That's not because I am unwilling, but due
to a shipload of other things with a higher priority on my plate. So if
there are things I can do, please let me know through PM or this list.
