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Diagram Editor not working on Windows 7



I'm new to this mailing list. Found it from Zim homepage following
"For user questions and development discussion, please join the
mailing list...", Hope this is the right place for this mail.

I've been using *Zim 0.59* on a *Windows 7 64bit* machine for a while
now, but only with a few pre-installed plugins enabled. When I wanted
to draw some block diagrams in my wiki's a couple days ago, I
downloaded *GraphViz 2.30.1* (with its *bin* directory added in my
PATH variable) along with *Pango 1.29.4-1* and enabled *Diagram
Editor* plugin in Zim Preferences view. But the plugin didn't work.

    1. In "Insert Diagram" dialogue, an error icon is displayed in the
preview area when I click on the "Preview" button. When I click on the
"OK" button, it says "An error occurred while generating the image. Do
you want to save the source text anyway?".
    2. I confirmed that the "dot" command from GraphViz is working as
expected when I type it in a command line interface (both cmd.exe and
MSYS shell are tested).
    3. Following is a piece of GraphViz code I tested with:
                digraph G {
                	foo -> bar
    4. I googled around and got nothing useful.

So I'm wondering,

    1. Did anyone see this problem before?
    2. I can't find a log file anywhere, is there one? Or is there a
switch to enable/disable logging?
    3. In .../zim-0.59/App/ZimDesktopWiki/zim/plugins/diagrameditor.py,
line 107, I found:
                # Call GraphViz
                        dot = Application(dotcmd)
                        dot.run((self.pngfile, self.dotfile))
                except ApplicationError:
                        return None, None # Sorry, no log
                        return self.pngfile, None

Is that "except" clause the right place to trace down the problem? (I
don't know Python, sorry!)

I found that every ".py" file in that directory has a ".pyo" version,
they seem to be "compiled" Python modules?

I don't have a Python compiler/runtime. If this is not a known issue
or there's not a known solution for it, I'm gonna install one and
start to learn some Python. I really love Zim for its simplicity and
extensibility and its file system hierarchy for storage.

Thanks in advance, and best regards,

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