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Re: new styles and index pain


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Niels-Oliver Walkowski <
walkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  I am testing the possibility to move with my  PhD project from Scrivener
> to Zim. I really love Scrivener, but does not really support Linux is
> brings a lot of problems. So a more native solution would be great. At the
> moment I have two questions where I couldn't help myself on m own. The
> first on is: it is possible to define new styles in zim apart from just
> changing existing styles in  styles.conf. Just adding it there has no
> effect as I experienced, what would be the effort to add new styles ( I am
> capable of doing some Python)

Afraid this is not really possible at the moment. Even with some hacking it
is not tricial. I am in the process of fixing the code base such that
custom styles should become easier, but that is not to be released for
several months I'm afraid.

Btw. would be interested to hear what styles you want to define. Always
helps to understand the use case.

> When you write a text, the best writing experience for me is to write in
> between wiki and hirarchical structes and to use them both to rearrange
> text block. At the moment the index pane list the wiki pages
> alphabetically, what would be awsome and really needed for the
> rearrangement process is to influence the order of the pages within the
> index. I noticed that drag and drop is generally possible in that widget
> but what was dropped doesn't stay there. So, also the question, is this
> possible to change somewhere and if not, can anyone guess, what would be
> the effort enable it.

Afraid this is also something that is pretty much work in progress. I do
want to support custom order at some point, but for now it is only
alphabetically. The drag and drop can only be used to move a page to other
sections of the notebook.

What you could do as a work around is start page names with a number to get
them to sort. But I realize this is not ideal, especially not when
rearranging the pages often.


