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Verbatim section gets tabified in 0.62



I've just found out that a section of source code, Verbatim-formatted,
gets automatically tabified with 8 chars per tab.
This is not the case in zim 0.60.

Attached is a test page to show the behavior. You may edit the page via

    Tools - Edit source

but on return blanks are replaced by tabs again.
You may delete tabs and insert spaces instead in zim,
there it seems ok then. But navigate to another page,
come back and see the tabs again.

I've also noticed the new Source View plugin, which is new to zim 0.62.
Disabling it makes no difference. And admitted, sorry, I don't know
how to use it also and if it is backwards compatible, say, may be
edited in zim 0.60 without problems. Source View sounds like a
very cool feature ...

Is there any way to disable the auto-tabify feature in 0.62?
If I format "Verbatim" I mean verbatim, say, unchanged.



Ubuntu 14.04; zim 0.60; zim 0.62
Content-Type: text/x-zim-wiki
Wiki-Format: zim 0.4
Creation-Date: 2015-06-09T20:19:36+02:00

====== RsSetup ======
Created Tuesday 09 June 2015

===== About =====
function RsSetup () 
  export My_Excludes="/tmp/My_Excludes.txt";
  RsOpt="$@ --archive --update --human-readable --stats";
  RsOpt+=" --keep-dirlinks --copy-dirlinks";
  export RsOpt+=" --exclude-from $My_Excludes";
	echo "DeleteMe**";
	echo "Hide**";
	echo "Backup";
	echo "\#**";
	echo "**/core.[0-9][0-9][0-9]**";
	echo "**~";
	echo "**.pyc";
	echo "**.bak";
	echo "**_bak/";
	echo "**_bak_??/";
	echo "**lock.**";
	echo "**/lost+found**";
	echo "**/.svn";
	echo "**/.zim";
	echo "**/ivm/AW_home/bin/keymaps";
	echo "**/ivm/AW_home/bin/meld**";
	echo "**/ivm/AW_home/bin/pycallgraph-0.5.1";
	echo "**/ivm/AW_home/bin/tidy4aug00";
	echo "**/ivm/AW_home/bin/tidy_1.46";
	echo "**/ivm/201[012]";
	echo "**/ivm/20xx";
	echo "**/ivm/200[5-9]";
	echo "**/ivm/Backups**";
	echo "**/.nfs00000000**"
  } > $My_Excludes
export RsSetup

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