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Text2Tags Plugin



I updated the text2tags plugin.

As it is now renamed to Convert2Tags2Mail, you need to manually delete the old plugin from your plugin folder.

You can find the udpated plugin here:

Direct link:

Look into the preferences to set it up according to your needs.

Features at a glance:
Convert selected text to tags (e.g. copy / paste from an email)
Import calendar file (ics) into a note

Import email contact data into a contacts page.

Send mail to selected tags with email address associated in the contacts page (with pre selection of the subject)

Recognition of chapters (see preferences) to split import data into these chapters (e.g. Attendees, Contexts, Invitation message)

Tag suggestion according to the imported invitation text and file name

The plugin creates a new page to store all imported contacts into. You can manually update this page if you like as long as you keep the format.

My favorite use case when conducting a meeting:
Save an MS Outlook invitation as ics file onto my desktop. Jump to Zim, start the plugin (CTRL + ALT + C) and import the ics file. When I'm done with the meeting minutes, I select the tags (attendees) to which I want to send the meeting minutes, start the plugin (CTRL + ALT + M), select suggested tags (those existing on the page which I'm not sending mails to) and get an email window with

    all recipients in TO

    subject with my tags and the notes name

    and the notes text within my mail body...

click send and I'm done :)

Unfortunately the mail dump method of Zim seems buggy as it sometimes does not put the complete notes text into the message body. So you need to do
this again if that happens.

Have Fun!
