Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.2.1
I just *now* noticed that zim exports to S5 slides, which is awesome:
But has anyone else confronted the problem of exporting to PDF? I see
that the S5 engine has a "print.css" -- but that appears to be for
creating paper-enhanced versions, whereas I'd like to have PDFs exported
exactly like the original. I don't think S5 can do it (or at least I've
not been able to figure it out) -- If I'm right and it can't, i'm also
aware that there are a katrillion other HTML/CSS/JS Markdowny engines
out there. So, I was wondering if anyone had solved this, or if not, if
they had any ideas on getting this functionality -- whether it's trtying
to hack the S5 css, or perhaps using a different slide engine (Beamer,
slidify, slideous ?) Seems like exporting to one of those might not be
too hard? I'm willing to try to help perhaps make another exporter?