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Re: Emojis?


This is because zim enforces page names to start with a alphanumeric (and
reserve things like #, @ etc. for other uses).  Quick test on my side shows
the emoji to show up if it is elsewhere in the name

To test your font just paste an "browser" emoji from the website you linked
into a zim page. If it shows up in the page text, it can in principle be
rendered anywhere in the interface as part of text.

-- Jaap

On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 9:08 PM Marco Cevoli <marco.cevoli@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> a quick question: I was looking at https://www.notion.so/ and I
> especially liked the idea of having emoji/symbols before the page
> names. I tried to copy and paste some Unicode emojis/characters into
> Zim Wiki, but - even if I use Arial Unicode MS as a font, these
> characters are not displayed. What am I missing? Can you display
> Unicode emojis in Zim? (see list on
> https://unicode.org/emoji/charts-12.0/full-emoji-list.html )
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Marco Cevoli
