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Re: [Ayatana] Indicators for showing progress

hi there ;)
I'm fairly new to this list, please don't cook me alive ;)

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 13:47, Luke Benstead <kazade@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On a slightly related note, check out Solution #5 from this brainstorm
idea: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24130/

yeah, this solution is nice and part of a scalable concept.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:18, Roth Robert <evfool@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In my opinion for cases like this, we should have the possibility to show the progress of an operation in an indicator applet menuitem.

in my understanding, each symbolic instance of a process or person will try to communicate or indicate its parent's "realtime" state and mood..
this would mean that active processes communicate their current state and progress everywhere they are represented, not only in one dedicated area of the screen as is the indicator applet.

dbus might perhaps be able to provide a system wide namespace for such a "broadcast of state".
wherever a process or person now decides to textually or visually represent its/her state or progress, it/she can now forward that sort of data for realtime progress indication through this proposed channel.

brasero in Gnome e.g., while burning data to a dvd, would behave like this:

*brasero's button in Window List indicates its progress, subtly acting as a progress bar
*[gnome3.0] your "Activities Indicator Menu" would show brasero's icon e.g. in animated flames & a progress indication method overlayed or next to it
*nautilus, as it shows the dvd drive in "Computer", provides a form of progress indication overlayed with or next to the dvd drive

to add yet another drop-down menu to the indicator applet would be a solution of transitional nature, imho. a scalable solution is to adapt a consistent indication behaviour throughout the desktop.