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Re: [Ayatana] make adding ppas easier

Christian Rupp <christian@xxxxxxxx> writes:

> For newbies its very hard to install their first ppa and also if you
> know the way it takes you some time to install a ppa. 

Just add 'ppa:diesch/testing' (or whatever PPA you want) using the Software
Sources dialog.

> Why don't just enable a short link like
> href="ppa://ppa:matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn" which addes this ppa
> automatically after asking whether you trust this source and entering
> your password

How would a newbie know if he could trust that source? Just clicking on
a link should not make you to answer such important technical questions.

Making people to use the Software Sources dialog teaches them where to
see what PPA are enabled and how to disable them. IMHO that's important for

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