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Re: Shop::getStressForEachBody


Another question for Vaclav. :-)

Actually, it's a question of what/where you want to evaluate:
1. Shop::getStressForEachBody gives an approximate stress averaged
"around" the particle.
2. Your definition of stress would give the (higher) stress near the
contact zone only, it defines a different thing (the only problem is
your definition of contact area is arbitrary).
3. Shop::getLWStressForEachBody/py::bodyStressTensors gives the exact
average stress inside the particle (without assumption on area).

(1) and (3) should give similar orders of magnitude. (2) would give very
high values. Using (2) would be ok to compare with a grain-crushing
threshold for instance, but it would be strange to average it at the
grains scale, since it really refers to a specific contact area.


On 04/04/11 17:49, Sergei D. wrote:
> Hi,
> In function Shop::getStressForEachBody stresses is calculated relavite
> crossSection = pi * min(R1,R2)^2.
> But why not relative contact_spot_area = pi * [
> min(R1,R2)^2-(min(R1,R2)-penetrationDepth/2)^2 ] ?
