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Horrible battery life.


On the 3810 thread at the forums someone mentioned that .31-12 and later kernel upgrades caused his battery life to go from 6.5 to 3.5 hours.  I know that for me, the battery life was the key reason that I got this 3810T.  I do not currently have Ubuntu installed because, as much as I would love to, I cannot run it if doing so reduces my battery life by 60%.  I get 8+ hours under Vista. 

Now I am fully aware that Linux is not yet capable of enjoying the full battery life that Vista was able to get, as many of the hacks that the manufacturers engaged are windows centric.  

Did those of you testing Karmic since the beginning experience this drop in battery life?  If so, would it be possible for someone with a live CD from an earlier alpha to do a powertop comparison to see where the extra power is going?  If we can track down the culprit, maybe we can get a fix included in the next kernel and I can cleanse this system of windows for good!




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