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[patch] Make awn-settings compatible



here a patch making awn-settings compatible with dockmanager scripts.

Dockmanagers scripts find items with desktop file name. (name ends with 
amarok.desktop for exemple)

So, as awn-settings when editing launchers change their name to 
awn_launcher-?.desktop, it make dockmanager fail as soon as an item is edited.

This patch make awn-settings use original desktop file name instead of creating 
an awn_launcher one.

For code simplification, i choose to prefix awn_launchers (created by hand) so 
you have 1-awn_launchers.desktop.

What do you think about this patch ?

=== modified file 'awn-settings/awnClass.py'
--- awn-settings/awnClass.py	2011-02-13 23:43:42 +0000
+++ awn-settings/awnClass.py	2011-04-23 16:07:20 +0000
@@ -1156,9 +1156,9 @@
     #   Copyright (C) 2006  Travis Watkins
     #   Edited by Ryan Rushton
-    def create_unique_launcher_file(self):
+    def create_unique_launcher_file(self, basename):
         path = os.path.join(defs.HOME_LAUNCHERS_DIR,
-                            self.getUniqueFileId('awn_launcher', '.desktop'))
+                            self.getUniqueFileId(basename))
         return vfs.File.for_path(path)
     def edit(self, button):
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
         if vfile.is_writable():
             output = None
-            output = self.create_unique_launcher_file()
+            output = self.create_unique_launcher_file(os.path.basename(path))
         editor = LauncherEditorDialog(vfile, output)
         response = editor.run()
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@
     def add(self, button):
         selection = self.treeview_launchers.get_selection()
         (model, iter) = selection.get_selected()
-        vfile = self.create_unique_launcher_file()
+        vfile = self.create_unique_launcher_file('awn_launcher.desktop')
         editor = LauncherEditorDialog(vfile, None)
         response = editor.run()
@@ -1203,16 +1203,15 @@
         self.client_taskman.set_list(GROUP_DEFAULT, defs.LAUNCHERS_LIST, paths)
         self.refresh_tree(paths, model)
-    def getUniqueFileId(self, name, extension):
+    def getUniqueFileId(self, name):
         append = 0
         while 1:
             if append == 0:
-                filename = name + extension
+                filename = name
-                filename = name + '-' + str(append) + extension
-            if extension == '.desktop':
-                if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(defs.HOME_LAUNCHERS_DIR, filename)):
-                    break
+                filename = str(append) + '-'  + name
+            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(defs.HOME_LAUNCHERS_DIR, filename)):
+                break
             append += 1
         return filename