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Re: Merge of bank-statement-reconcile with main branch


On 01/23/2014 11:34 AM, Alexis de Lattre wrote:

If you try to install modules from both branches, you will get conflicting views : - In account_banking/account_banking_view.xml line 181, the field "period_id" is removed from the tree view of account.bank.statement. - In bank-statement-reconcile-70/account_statement_ext/statement_view.xml line 87, the field "period_id" is also removed from the tree view of account.bank.statement.

There may be other conflicts, I don't know. Maybe it's just this one and it can be solved very easily.

Hi Alexis,

as you know, the two series in the project are independent projects which have been grouped by subject in the same Launchpad project. We on the account_banking side are very interested in making the account_banking series more lean and compatible with other modules such as the bank_statement modules. However, we are suffering from the handicap of a head start, because the account_banking series (with all its flaws) basically seems to fulfil the current requirements of our customers. So we are without funding and customer incentive, but with a very large debt to the community (cq. you and Stéphane Bidoul, as both of you contributed heavily in the last year).

Now, every year, the need for the modules to be migrated to the next version of OpenERP provides part of the funding for the heavy refactorings and cleaning that I try to do alongside the migration. In the migration to version 7.0 for instance, I split up the payment functionality in a separate module, which allowed Stéphane to create a base payment module independent of the account_banking base module with its crude matching mechanism and elaborate manual reconciliation interface. So I should hope to achieve the compatibility by the time of OpenERP 8.0 (with the option of backporting to 7.0).

One annoyance is account_banking's custom IBAN formatting and validation logic. I'm already extracting the deprecated lookup for Dutch account numbers into a separate module and will have a look at this IBAN mangling in the process. Next step in this bottom up approach would be to split off the import part, and the matching and reconciliation part. But if just providing basic compatibility in terms of side-by-side installation could provide a short-track to at least being able to use other reconciliation methods while have account_banking's additional functionality sit around unused but harmless, that might be a better approach. It would also ease the transition for existing account_banking installations. Only I don't have a clear enough view of the bank_statement modules to be sure about how easy it can be achieved.

So I have a couple of questions about requirements and the bank_statement_reconcile framework.

First question: Stéphane and me already discussed on this list that the custom reconciliation logic for payment orders in account_banking_payment could probably be replaced by triggers in the move line workflow. This would allow the workflow integration between payables, payment orders and bank transactions to function transparently when other reconciliation methods are used. Is anything like this already in place or planned in the bank_statement_reconcile framework, or is this provided by another module as far as you know?

As your latest work concerns direct debits, we need to think about the following: how can we process direct debit rejections and refunds properly? In account_banking_payment, when a debit order has been fully processed, the receivable move line has been reconciled, and processing a post-hoc rejection or a refund is established by unreconciling this move line (and reconciling the refund with the original debit transfer) and in case of a related invoice, triggering the invoice workflow by either reopening the invoice in case of a temporary failure, or putting the invoice in a custom state 'debit denied'.

About this, I would first like to know if this is a good practice as far as you are concerned, or if you had other ideas about this.

Then, if you think that unreconciling a move line upon debit rejection/refund is acceptable, the next question would be if the bank_statement_reconcile framework allows to retrieve a reconciled move line in order to unreconcile it.

It would be great if you and the contributors to the bank_statement_reconcile framework could comment on this. As for the code sprint, I think it is a good idea but unfortunately I'm won't be at FOSDEM so we'll have to look out for another opportunity.


Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling

Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie

mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx
tel: +31 (0) 614478606
web: http://therp.nl
