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Re: Does BaShare work properly with right-to-left (RTL) languages?


I did the same yestarday. Icons are outside buttons. I tryed to fix this,
but without success.

> As a side note, whenever we add a new language (i.e. adding a new .po
> file) we need to also include the compiled file (.mo) to the version
> control, otherwise people launching BaShare from the source code will
> not have it translated. I have not found a button in Gambas to compile
> the file, so what I've done is go as if I wanted to translate the
> program in Hebrew, add a space and then remove it in some random
> string, and at that time Gambas creates the compile file.
> Guido, do you know if there is another way to compile those translations
> files?

Excuse me, I don't understand the problem. I compiled BaShare and I was able
to run in in Hebrew...
.mo are created by Gabas IDE (or by compiler, I don't know)

Follow ups
