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Re: CEP-8 update


On 17/02/15 18:26, Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:
> Hey.
> I've got another update on the CEP-8 project.
> - Sylvain worked on improving the reporter branch [1]. There are some
> test failures (still) but it otherwise seems okay. I will probably
> pick this work up and continue since Sylvain won't be back this week
> - Sylvain also got the blocker data for client certification [2]. This
> is now ready (though I have not checked it for correctness. Ara
> perhaps you'd like to have a look at that?

I have reviewed those changes and made some comments on things that need
to be changed.


> - We need identical data for CDTS. Chris would you like to look at
> Sylvain's merge request and prepare something like that for what you
> need the most? The syntax is very simple to follow by example.
> - I got moving on code that reads this and feeds it in. I was blocked
> a lot by mistakes and other blockers. I have some code that could use
> a review at [3]. This is the second iteration of the code you've seen
> before. This time it's actually glued back to the test plan unit. I've
> tried addressing all of the complaints and I think I only neglected
> documenting how the WordScanner class actually works. It implements a
> simple backtracking lexical scanner. It has grown since the previous
> time and it's no longer a simple str.split(). I have a drawing of the
> state machine that you can consult [4]
> - What's left is the PATTERN FIELD=VALUE [, FIELD=VALUE]* override
> syntax, a set of new methods on the test plan unit (but those are
> heavily in progress, I just wasn't able to test them without real
> backend yet) and a set of small changes in all the apps that run jobs
> (to call the two new methods).
> If you have any questions, fire away.
> Thanks
> ZK
> [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~sylvain-pineau/checkbox/cert-status-exporter/+merge/249583
> [2] https://code.launchpad.net/~sylvain-pineau/checkbox/14.04-client-testplan/+merge/249272
> [3] https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/checkbox/cep-8/+merge/250023
> [4] https://www.dropbox.com/s/ecajfet5dd9w9ta/WordScanner.jpg?dl=0
