coapp-developers team mailing list archive
coapp-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #00536
Code release schedule
Howdy folks,
I spent a lot of time last week with leaders from a bunch of open source projects, finding out what was useful and what isn't.
One of the things that came up was that projects tend to do better when there is a consistent release schedule that people can work to.
So, I'm going to start doing releases every three weeks, starting with the 16th of August.
The binary releases will be code signed and built for x64 and x86 (coapp-trace may have only x86 until the x64 side is up and running...)
I'm gonna try to get MSIs built, but depending on my schedule over the next few weeks, the first few might be zip files.
[Description: fearthecowboy]<>
Garrett Serack | Microsoft's Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft Corporation
Office:(425)706-7939 email/messenger: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on Windows.