coapp-developers team mailing list archive
coapp-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #00960
Re: Shallow-forking contest!
I had no idea that Github issue tracking was that awesome. DAMN. I love it
here :)
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Garrett Serack <garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> Wow. Github’s issue tracking is freakin’ awesome.
> Everyone: WATCH THE VIDEO. (Especially *Elizabeth*, who seems to uncover
> bugs by just breathing.)
> G
> *From:* Tom Hanrahan
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 02, 2011 8:54 AM
> *To:* Garrett Serack; coapp-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* RE: Shallow-forking contest!
> Garrett,
> Since you raised the subject of “bugs filed,” this would be a good time to
> talk about how we want to manage bug reporting. It turns out Github’s bug
> tracking system is incredibly easy to use. Each repository has an issue
> tracker. So, for example, coapp/trace and coapp-packages/gzip each has its
> own issue tracker that you can access from a tab on the repository’s main
> page. Filing, updating and closing issues is easy and there’s a short video
> that explains just how simple it is. You can watch the video at:
> -- Tom
> *From:*
> [mailto:coapp-developers-bounces+hanrahat=
>] *On Behalf Of *Garrett Serack
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 02, 2011 8:15 AM
> *To:* coapp-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* [Coapp-developers] Shallow-forking contest!
> Hey folks,
> (not an official announcement yet!)
> We're reaching a stage in the CoApp project where we can really use the
> help of Windows developers to assist us in shallow forking open source
> projects as a precursor to producing actual CoApp packages for products and
> libraries.
> I have an idea to encourage developers to assist us--it involves running a
> contest:
> To encourage OSS community developers shallow-fork and create Windows
> builds of OSS projects, according to the procedure (
> .
> Each project worth between one and five points, depending on complexity and
> importance (decided by, um... me!) and we go until we have *100 forked
> projects* in github at which point we go into* sudden-death overtime*, where
> people have 7 days to get their forks done in order to count.
> So we'd end up with a little more than 100 packages, and someone who worked
> really hard on something at close to the end wouldn't get screwed over.
> Also, we wouldn't have to give anything out until we reached our goal :D
> Then we draw for prizes, each point gets you one entry in the draw.
> I’m thinking if we had a sizable number of prizes--Like an
> XBox+Kinect+games bundle at the top, and work our way down, we may be able
> to jumpstart the whole thing. I’ve already got commitment from the
> Outercurve Foundation and Microsoft to furnish some funds for prizes.
> Plus perhaps we could get t-shirts printed up for all the people who forked
> something... (perhaps with some classy phrase regarding "Forking projects
> for Windows" ... or "I forked for Windows")
> It also occurred to me this morning that we could award points in the draw
> for bugs filed (reproducible, accepted bugs) as well.
> My questions for you:
> - I can easily acquire prizes of products that Microsoft produces
> (Xboxes, Kinect, games, mice, keyboards, software) -- does anyone have any
> opinions as to what I should get? I’m going to have to order the prizes
> before the contest completes in order to get it into this budget cycle.
> - Should I focus on as many large prizes and only a few small
> things, or should I get a lot of smaller/medium things, and a couple big
> ones?
> - Is this something that interests you all? It’d start pretty quick
> (Probably as early as next week)—and will go until we get to 100 projects
> (+sudden death overtime!)
> [image: Description: Description: Description: fearthecowboy]<>
> *Garrett* *Serack* | Microsoft Open Source Software Developer | *Microsoft
> Corporation
> Office*:(425)706-7939 *email*/*
> messenger*: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *blog*: *
> twitter*: @fearthecowboy <>
> *I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on
> Windows.***
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