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conselhobrasil team mailing list archive
conselhobrasil team
Mailing list archive
Messages by thread
Messages by thread
Messages sent to the conselhobrasil mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 10165 messages, page
| 25 |
ubuntu-br-rn will expire soon from ubuntu-br
ubuntu-br-rn will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-07
ubuntu-br-rn will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-08
ubuntu-br-rn will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-09
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-03
<Possible follow-ups>
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-04
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-05
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-06
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-07
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-08
ubuntu-br-ac will expire soon from ubuntu-br
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-09
allandc extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-08-02
Link quebrado
From: Neliton Pereira Jr., 2012-08-01
Re: Link quebrado
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-08-01
brener1neves extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-08-01
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-08-01
<Possible follow-ups>
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-02-02
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-07-31
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-01-23
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2014-01-31
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-07-24
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-01-18
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-02-01
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-02-28
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-17
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-01-19
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-02-29
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-07-11
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-01-07
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-03-01
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-07-06
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-01-03
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2018-03-02
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-07-02
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-02-19
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-08-16
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2021-02-12
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2021-08-11
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2022-02-07
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2022-07-16
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2023-01-12
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2023-07-11
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2024-01-07
michaelfm21 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2024-07-05
jardelberti extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-08-01
<Possible follow-ups>
jardelberti extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2013-08-02
jardelberti extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-08-03
jardelberti extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2015-08-04
Não estou sabendo usar a lista de discursão
From: Alex Gomes, 2012-07-31
leonardoconstrutoresdapaz wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-31
luizpedro wants to join
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-30
daniellarasouza approved by mvuelma
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-30
daniellarasouza wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-30
<Possible follow-ups>
daniellarasouza wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-30
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-07-30
<Possible follow-ups>
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-07-27
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2013-11-27
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-01-22
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-07-21
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2014-11-24
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-01-19
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-02-28
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-16
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2015-11-24
belenos extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-01-12
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-02-28
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2016-11-23
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-02-27
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2017-11-23
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2018-02-27
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2018-11-24
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2019-02-27
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2019-11-23
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2020-02-27
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2020-11-22
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2021-02-26
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2021-11-22
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2022-02-26
belenos extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2022-10-31
jevsonsb approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-07-28
jevsonsb wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-07-28
lenonnsilvaa approved by alvarojusten
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2012-07-27
julio-netu expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-27
lenonnsilvaa wants to join
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2012-07-27
gigantedesousa wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-26
diego-rodrigues87 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-07-26
giverny extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2012-07-25
alexdbarreto wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-24
alexteceminfo approved by rafepel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2012-07-23
laisivana expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-07-23
fjunior.ti wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2012-07-22
<Possible follow-ups>
fjunior.ti wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-12-28
n1ghtcr4wler expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-22
alexteceminfo wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2012-07-22
<Possible follow-ups>
alexteceminfo wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-28
Membership change: alvarojusten in ubuntu-br-rj
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-21
rfabbri made admin by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-21
rfabbri joined ubuntu-br-locoteams-leaders
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2012-07-21
rfabbri joined ubuntu-br-rj
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-21
romulojaim wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-19
christian8bits expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-07-19
jesuinocorrea380 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Security Team, 2012-07-17
mario-fernandes149 approved by alvarojusten
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-17
fb-schettino approved by alvarojusten
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-17
ccbarto expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - GO, 2012-07-17
Entrar no time para atualização em lote da tradução do Pidgin
From: Renato Silva, 2012-07-16
Re: Entrar no time para atualização em lote da tradução do Pidgin
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-07-16
mario-fernandes149 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-14
fb-schettino wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-14
cwagnersc joined ubuntu-br-locoteams-leaders
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2012-07-13
cwagnersc made admin by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2012-07-13
king-sidney expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-13
deysonthome approved by alvarojusten
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-12
deysonthome wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-12
anndre-gaspar wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-07-12
ieltonf extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-07-10
<Possible follow-ups>
ieltonf extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-01-06
ieltonf extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-07-05
ieltonf extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-01-01
ieltonf extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-07-01
ieltonf extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-12-27
elbrunico extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-07-08
<Possible follow-ups>
elbrunico extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-01-03
eliaskoelho expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-08
<Possible follow-ups>
eliaskoelho expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - ES, 2013-05-29
cesar-alltype expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-07-08
mestrelion extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-07-06
<Possible follow-ups>
mestrelion extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-07-10
mestrelion extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2014-07-11
mestrelion extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-07-07
mestrelion extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2016-07-06
alissonsm wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-07-06
gplottier approved by rafepel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2012-07-05
gplottier wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2012-07-05
e-everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-07-05
<Possible follow-ups>
e-everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-01-02
e-everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-07-02
e-everttonlima extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-12-27
runnysrbarriosn wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-04
geowany extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-07-04
<Possible follow-ups>
geowany extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AC, 2013-02-19
gabriel-ggt expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - ES, 2012-07-03
vgartner expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
luis-scapin expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
lucas-bitelo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
djonart expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
viniciusmayer expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
vinicius-vsg-gnr expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
anderson-infoservice expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
avelino expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
roberto-cosentino expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
marcio-rdrgz expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
elias-era expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
pablo-leonrodrigues expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
rodrigovalente-4 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
renatokrause expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
kabrau expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
copetti-rs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
maiconkist expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
marcio.cruz expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
marcelo7889 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
pmelo86 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
wagnerdd expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
videbula expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
bogusrs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
neoramon expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
guilherme-bitencourt expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
felipetesc expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
faggner expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
rafael-razador expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
felipeborges expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
jones-centripeta expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
ebonat expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
jmbrunetto expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
jacsonh expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
feihrmann expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
wagner.nobres expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
sch-gandhi expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
alexandre-sapata-carbonell expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
wadutra expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
blackmoon expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
fabio-fael expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
vinibatistela expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
guslinus expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
g3araujo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
israsilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
joaofpr expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
danieltemp expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
t.rex expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
aagottschalk expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
tirloni-rs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
rodrigo-pavao-com expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
marcelo-de-almeida expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
cesar-mendonca expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
jaguaraoonline expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
alecussos expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
niloglobo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
sidnei-weber expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
gabrielmenezesvi expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
ppvanzella expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
edsandrof expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-07-03
200 of 10165 messages, page
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