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conselhobrasil team mailing list archive
conselhobrasil team
Mailing list archive
Messages by thread
Messages by thread
Messages sent to the conselhobrasil mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 10179 messages, page
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aroldo-net wants to join
aroldo-net wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2014-04-11
wallaros wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2013-01-18
<Possible follow-ups>
wallaros wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-18
victor-desenvolvedor approved by marcosx
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2013-01-17
moisesrs-rs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - ES, 2013-01-16
arlindo-h wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-15
victor-desenvolvedor wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2013-01-15
renato-barbosa-pereira expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2013-01-14
leonardobarbosa-aju extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2013-01-11
<Possible follow-ups>
leonardobarbosa-aju extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SE, 2013-11-17
carlos-souza-amorim expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2013-01-08
pablodm89 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-07
carlostavaresjr-q wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-07
ygorreis approved by rafepel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-01-07
ygorreis wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-01-07
thiago-evandson wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AL, 2013-01-07
roberto-rodrigues wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-06
marlop extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-01-06
<Possible follow-ups>
marlop extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-07-06
marlop extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-01-01
marlop extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-07-01
marlop extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2014-12-25
marlop extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-12-28
marlop extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-06-29
m-vinicius expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-06
jeiasdantas expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-06
icpauloti expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-06
tetsuzan-c approved by marcosx
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2013-01-06
caiorearte deactivated by caiorearte
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-05
mrmillionyear wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-05
joaompg extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-01-04
<Possible follow-ups>
joaompg extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-07-03
josuealessandro extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-03
henlavezzo wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-01-03
<Possible follow-ups>
henlavezzo wants to join
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-03-07
Fazer parte do time
From: Daniel Flores SantAnna, 2013-01-02
gustavobrandao expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers, 2012-12-31
zandrebran expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers, 2012-12-31
<Possible follow-ups>
zandrebran expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-08-23
zandrebran expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-03-06
paulo-s-lima expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers, 2012-12-31
<Possible follow-ups>
paulo-s-lima expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-04-15
leandrotoledodesouza extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-30
alfierimorillo wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-29
coringao wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2012-12-29
coringao joined ubuntu-br-sudeste
From: Ubuntu-BR, Times do Sudeste, 2012-12-29
danielfs8 approved by martavuelma
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-28
danielfs8 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-28
<Possible follow-ups>
danielfs8 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2013-01-02
geowany expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-12-28
<Possible follow-ups>
geowany expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2013-02-25
geowany expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AC, 2014-02-25
geowany expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-05-20
tatianeps approved by martavuelma
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-24
tatianeps wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-24
Mudança no Ubuntu-BR (Launchpad)
From: Fábio Nogueira, 2012-12-24
marcosx made admin by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2012-12-24
Membership change: zandrebran in ubuntu-br-doc-revisores
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Revisers, 2012-12-21
rjbgbo deactivated by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Translators Revisers, 2012-12-21
<Possible follow-ups>
rjbgbo deactivated by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-12-21
Aprovação de membros
From: Fábio Nogueira, 2012-12-20
ygorbenhami approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
vinicius3cta approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
thiagomusique approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
ricardoeogrande approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
professorpardal-tec approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
zg43-webmaster approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
valwicked approved by ayrton
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
sergio-br2 approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
rhuan-lopes expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-12-20
fatake6 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-20
raphaeljlps extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-12-19
Ubuntu SP
From: Fábio Nogueira, 2012-12-19
felipemrsilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2012-12-18
<Possible follow-ups>
felipemrsilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2013-08-10
rbelem made admin by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2012-12-17
rbelem joined ubuntu-br-locoteams-leaders
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2012-12-17
luiscpmotta-x approved by martavuelma
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-16
luiscpmotta-x wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-16
michaelfm21 approved by gabriellhrn
From: Ubuntu-BR, Times do Sudeste, 2012-12-16
michaelfm21 deactivated by gabriellhrn
From: Ubuntu-BR, Times do Sudeste, 2012-12-16
Como anda o time local de São Paulo?
From: Sergio Benjamim, 2012-12-16
sergio-br2 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-16
ricardoeogrande wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-15
martavuelma approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2012-12-15
emanuelnegromonte deactivated by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2012-12-14
jbkmsn approved by paulo-s-lima
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-12-14
jbkmsn wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-12-14
<Possible follow-ups>
jbkmsn wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MT, 2013-02-25
jonathan-hepp expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-13
zg43-webmaster wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-11
Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-11
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-12-14
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Fábio Nogueira, 2012-12-15
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-15
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Tiago Hillebrandt, 2012-12-15
Re: Pedido de desligamento
From: Emanuel Negromonte, 2012-12-15
janailsonleite expired from team
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2012-12-10
<Possible follow-ups>
janailsonleite expired from team
From: Xubuntu Brazilian Team, 2012-12-24
janailsonleite expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2013-04-18
ygorbenhami approved by rafepel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2012-12-09
ygorbenhami wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2012-12-09
<Possible follow-ups>
ygorbenhami wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-09
ygorbenhami wants to join
From: Kubuntu Brazilian Team, 2013-12-07
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-12-05
<Possible follow-ups>
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2012-12-21
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2013-03-08
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2013-03-20
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2013-05-02
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2013-05-02
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2013-05-02
vinicius3cta wants to join
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2013-05-02
edsonmatos wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-12-05
kairion expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-12-05
pedrolucasporcellis expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-12-05
aline-tux expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-12-04
emanuelnegromonte joined ubuntu-br-locoteams-leaders
From: Ubuntu Brazilian LoCo Teams Leaders, 2012-12-02
ubuntu-br-nordeste deactivated by tiagohillebrandt
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2012-12-02
davysson expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2012-12-02
<Possible follow-ups>
davysson expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-08-11
fruggerr-o expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2012-12-01
<Possible follow-ups>
fruggerr-o expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2013-02-24
lidiorj expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2012-12-01
ubuntu-br-nordeste approved by hebertsilva
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2012-11-30
bruno-s-muniz approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2012-11-30
bruno-s-muniz wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SE, 2012-11-29
<Possible follow-ups>
bruno-s-muniz wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2012-11-30
kevennascimento extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-11-28
aclucki extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2012-11-25
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2012-11-23
<Possible follow-ups>
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2013-11-12
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-05-11
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2014-11-08
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-05-06
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-11-02
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-04-30
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-10-27
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-04-27
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2017-10-24
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-04-21
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-10-18
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2019-04-18
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2019-10-17
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-04-15
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-10-07
jobdrb-gmail extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2021-04-06
rodrigo-cristofolini expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
daianepaesdecordova expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
rogerio-borguezan expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
paulomarceloweigmannww expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
edu-telmann expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
grossl-louco expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
genestreit expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
francysbs-nascimento expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
marcosturossi expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
luceliohenningjunior expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
andre-m-ribas expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
alvanir-ard expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
nettohercilio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
piazza-renan expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
i-l8is-t expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
brunolysik expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
marcelo-neppel expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
douglas-cortico expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
danielpastk expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
alyni expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
leo-mkp expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
jeferson-chaves expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
josemarodia expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
jpachersbs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
lueynenathana expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
gangsterkl9 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
paulo-costa expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
joao-jha expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
robertthenero expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
leandro-matiazi expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
antoniojksbs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
guilhermea-dasilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
tiagowotroba expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
digozudo expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
francielebenicio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
fabioinfo-support expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
renatod-chiodi expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
adelrui expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
edsonschiehl expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
daniel-danna expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
ademirpedroso2009 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
chimilouski expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
my-boo11 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
camaleaun expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
fabiano-matano expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
marksabbath expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
dandan-sbs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2012-11-23
200 of 10179 messages, page
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