context team mailing list archive
context team
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Message #00172
Re: [Dev-luatex] Luatex 0.42.0 (a snapshot release)
2009/7/18 Taco Hoekwater <taco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Diego Depaoli wrote:
>> There is anywhere a benchmark file?
> Not really, I just run the luatexref-t.tex document for timing tests.
Just tried, I get
%context luatexref-t.tex
define font | font with name LMRoman10-BoldObliqu is not found
define font | unknown font LMRoman10-BoldObliqu, loading aborted
define font | unable to define LMRoman10-BoldObliqu as \*modern12ptrmbs*
! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \ALEPH
l.76 \item \ALEPH
\ RC4 (from the \TEXLIVE\ repository)
%context --version
MTXrun | main context file:
MTXrun | current version: 2009.07.17 17:23
%luatex --version
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.42.0-2009071808
Diego Depaoli
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