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Feedback on a ContextMenu "orientation" parameter



I'm replying here, as the blueprint whiteboards are really not good at
supporting discussions.

You were saying:
> The ContextMenu method lacks an "orientation" parameter. As discussed
> on the xdg@freedesktop mailing-list, the systray can be anywhere on
> the desktop (top, bottom, sides, or even at the middle of the screen),
> and since the application is not aware of that, it can't know if the
> coordinates should be the top-left corner of the menu, or the
> bottom-left, bottom-right or top-right. A short video is better than a
> long speech, so here is what I get :
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_AHFM0PNtk Although the menu could be
> passed through Dbus with dbus-menu, since ContextMenu exists, it would
> make sense to make it usable (which is not the case at the moment as
> you can see). Thanks for your consideration on this request.

We don't have a strong interest in supporting that, as all of our work
is based on the assumption that there is a single top panel that holds
all indicators.

I understand this is not the case for all desktop and projects, and that
we should make the difference between UI design and technical frameworks.

Yet, if such a parameter is transported in a request (the protocol is
quite open and easy to extend by adding dbus properties), then our own
indicators would not support that and would just assume an orientation
corresponding to a top level panel.

Apart from the ayatana indicators themselves, are there parts of the
infrastructure that would need patching for this extra (optional)
property to be supported?   
