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Hi guys,

dev meeting tomorrow:

1. I want us to come with a set of *principles* for our software
development. I have started and put in 4 principles here:


Please give this some thought and let us together come up with a set of
guidelines for how we make software over the next days/weeks.

2. *Front-end development.* Mark has a nice write-up here
please read. Lets discuss:

a) Standardized file organisation in apps.

b) Standard code style.

c) Development tools. In the game: npm, gulp, bower, jshint, less/sass.

d) The d2.js library. What is the scope of it? What should it do? Library
agnostic/specific? What about the current dhis2.* libs? Auto-generate from

3. *Maintenance app*. Will contain maintenance operations like listing,
add/update, view, delete. Will be related to d2.js. How do we approach it.

4. *Who does what*?

Call link here
10 AM CEST to 1 PM'ish.

Ever-lasting rants about frameworks not permitted.


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