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Hi Lars,

In tajik bazaar is market. When you talk of bazaar outside of bazaar it means haos. When someone does things wrong, other may correct him: "hei, you are not in bazaar, behave as respected". Now I am in bazaar. Please suggest corrections. 
I got my code from repository as branch. I didn't commit since then i guess. I made changes on poms, created struts2 test modules, implemented 'easy help' and 'datavalue history' functionalities. What to do now? commit all in one? where does it go? I could't find anywhere with my login on launchpad saying my branch. I also want to version my changes. I cannot continue with so many changes not versioned.
Easy help functionality is fine to go (simply action file and vm), but datavalue history brings many changes starting from new dependencies and existing code change to introduce @annotations for hibernate. DataValue entity, which has composite primary key refering to foreign key to other for entities (defined in hbm.xml) had been slightly changed (now annotated), services to it as well. Also one dependency is not on maven2 repo, it is not there as latest (olders are there though), needs to be manually set. This is enver library by jboss, to be part of hibernate 3.5 fairly soon as they promise.
For easy help we need also someone who is good in manual writing to place tags where necessary (other web modules menu.vm or anywhere control needs help) and provide en_GB.properties strings acordingly. These changes later should be placed into trunk and translated into other languages. General Help menu could also use the same strings. 



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