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Re: OpenMRS integration


Great.  I will propose a strategy within next day or two to dhis group.
Assuming we have consensus we can move forward with this in our interaction
with openmrs, baobab, ihris and others.


2009/8/6 Ola Hodne Titlestad <olatitle@xxxxxxxxx>

> 2009/8/5 Bob Jolliffe <bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Thanks Lars.  I will take responsibility for putting together and
>> implementing a plan of action for this.  This will have to include absorbing
>> the learning from the various integration efforts which have happened -
>> there is the work Abyot has done, there is work Phumzile and others have
>> done on the OpenMRS side, there is an existing (untouched for two years)
>> DHIS "connector" module for openmrs and there is the most recent effort from
>> Murod.  Alongside there have been developments in the availability of xml
>> interchange standards which can impact positively or negatively on the work.
>> Also there are opportunities to interoperate with other software (such as
>> iHRIS HR package and no doubt others in the future) so it is important to
>> not treat each as a new design program, but rather expose and document a
>> standard process for getting data in and out of DHIS2.
>> The first step will be to identify the right forum for communication with
>> the relevant people from across projects.  I'm interested in people's
>> thoughts on this.
> Hi,
> First of all, glad to see Bob taking this forward, it really needs a firm
> push to get beyond the typical meeting discussions we've had so many of over
> the last 1-2 years.
> When it comes to forum for cross-project collaboration I would like to
> recommend the recently launched TGHIN.org platform. This would fit well with
> the intentions behind that site. TGHIN already has a large user community
> from different projects and country implementations, which could benefit
> discussions and provide a broader view on things. TGHIN is built on Drupal
> and we can influence functionality there if more modules are needed. For now
> there is a forum site where we can post and log discussions. Mail
> notification is also in place. A chat module is soon released which can help
> communication as well.
> If we need a new mailing list we can of course set up another google group
> or similar.
> I already mentioned in Goa that I will invest some of my time time on this
> collaboration and similar collaborations among FOSS communities involved
> with HIS. I will help to document ongoing activities among the major HIS
> FOSS projects such as HISP, OpenMRS and Capacity project (iHRIS), and help
> to identify possible collaboration projects.
> I think the Cape Town meeting will be an important start and provide the
> necessary push for DHIS and OpenMRS collaboration.
> I'll be more active on email when I get back from leave in about 10 days.
> Ola
> ------
