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Re: [Bug 436692] Re: Blanks are displayed as 0 in report


Hmm, now I am even more confused than normal. We just established that
"missing" values in the map, get displayed as 0. If I look in my
aggregateddatavalue table, there are values that are exactly displayed
as 0. There are other values that get displayed as 0.0 (which appears
to be the result of a float operation). If I go back into my dataset,
the values that are 0.0 are actual zeros, whereas the 0 (no decimal
places) appear to be the result of NULLS (in a recordset) being
coerced to zeroes.

Now it would seem this is not actually the case, as you say that the
datamart does not export empty values?

I really need to understand and deal with this, as missing data values
is a fact of life in our data here in Zambia.

2009/9/26 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>:

>> The problem is that aggregated data values get converted from blank to 0
>> values as well, not only indicator numerators. Don't understand how these
>> settings can change that.
> Datamart does not write 0 values to the aggregateddatavalue table. It is the
> report tables that get "filled" with 0s for missing values. If "null" is
> better then we can change it.
> To be more precise, the latter system setting determines whether to output
> (to the aggregatedindicatorvalue table) aggregated indicator values with 0
> in the numerator or not.

Follow ups
