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Re: Pagination patch


Hi Viet,

This is good news.

So, my suggestion would be as follows.

1) Use the user settings to determine what the initial sorting should
be. Retrieve the first block of data based on whatever the user
settings are when the user enters the page. At this point there would
be no filter.

2) Should the user apply a filter, a new block of data would need to
be retrieved, based on the user input. One thing that I have noticed
is that there should be some sort of "delay" implemented until the
user finishes typing. It would be inefficient to send an AJAX request
each time the user types a character, but the request should be
generated once the user stops typing. This might require some
experimentation. My browser sort of does a "hiccup" each time I filter
on the data element list, as it filters after the input of each
character. If it would be possible to wait until the user actually
finishes typing, and then make the filter, this might result in a
better user experience. On a slow machine of mine, Firefox has crashed
several times while trying to filter the data element list. This is
one of the reasons I keep pushing so hard for this feature. :)

3) I would think it would  be desirable to view all results (the
current view that we have) as well.

4) When I saw this with Murod in Tajikistan a few weeks back, I did
not pay attention to the details. But, it would be very nice to be
able to filter/search on other properties of the object. This is a
"nice to have" feature. Right now, we can only filter on the "name"
but there are situations when you need to filter the data element code
for instance. Not sure if this is possible.

As Lars has detailed in a previous mail, a separate branch should
probably be made for this. Although I think it is a good and needed
feature, it may result in worse performance due to the roundtrips
between the client and the server that will be required each time a
new page needs to be generated. For large lists, i.e. patients and
data elements, it would seem to make sense in theory, but may actually
be worse than loading the entire DOM into the browser and filtering on
the client side.

I would be of course available to test this with you.

Lastly, thanks for taking a look at this.


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:22 AM, Viet Nguyen <phamquocviet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I planed to move this to common ... but...somehow forgot it sorry :(
> Will do it  asap.
> Something I would like to note here  for  sorting and filter functions.
> When we apply the paging,  we need to sort from database, so there will be
> many changes in  service  methods.
> And for filter function,   this is the most thing I have been worry about .
> Because we should not just filter  in current page. I think we need to use
> ajax here.
> At this point,  filter would be similar to search function, the only
> different thing is  it effects on the fly.
> When user type  something in filter text box, we get the result from
> database, then sort  and paging  that list, then return to the view.
> What do you think about this ?

Jason P. Pickering
email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx

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