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Mailing list archive
Message #09178
[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 2373: (GIS) Layer specific right click menus added to layertree.
Merge authors:
Jan Henrik Øverland (janhenrik-overland)
revno: 2373 [merge]
committer: Jan Henrik Overland <janhenrik.overland@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Tue 2010-12-14 14:15:44 +0100
(GIS) Layer specific right click menus added to layertree.
Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk/+edit-subscription
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/mapping/script/globals.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/mapping/script/globals.js 2010-12-10 16:28:49 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/mapping/script/globals.js 2010-12-14 09:18:47 +0000
@@ -67,7 +67,22 @@
classify_with_bounds: 1,
classify_by_equal_intervals: 2,
- classify_by_quantils: 3
+ classify_by_quantils: 3,
+// Layers
+ opacityItems: [
+ {text: '0.1', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-10'},
+ {text: '0.2', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-20'},
+ {text: '0.3', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-30'},
+ {text: '0.4', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-40'},
+ {text: '0.5', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-50'},
+ {text: '0.6', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-60'},
+ {text: '0.7', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-70'},
+ {text: '0.8', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-80'},
+ {text: '0.9', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-90'},
+ {text: '1.0', iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-100'}
+ ]
GLOBAL.util = {
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/mapping/script/index.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/mapping/script/index.js 2010-12-13 12:33:22 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/mapping/script/index.js 2010-12-14 13:13:39 +0000
@@ -1945,391 +1945,6 @@
GLOBAL.vars.map.addLayers([choroplethLayer, symbolLayer]);
- /* Section: layer options */
- function showWMSLayerOptions(layer) {
- if (Ext.getCmp('baselayeroptions_w')) {
- Ext.getCmp('baselayeroptions_w').destroy();
- }
- var baseLayerOptionsWindow = new Ext.Window({
- id: 'baselayeroptions_w',
- title: 'Options: <span style="font-weight:normal;">' + layer.name + '</span>',
- width: 180,
- items: [
- {
- xtype: 'menu',
- id: 'baselayeroptions_m',
- floating: false,
- items: [
- {
- text: 'Show WMS legend',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-wmslegend',
- listeners: {
- 'click': {
- fn: function() {
- baseLayerOptionsWindow.destroy();
- var frs = layer.getFullRequestString({
- REQUEST: "GetLegendGraphic",
- WIDTH: null,
- HEIGHT: null,
- EXCEPTIONS: "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml",
- LAYERS: layer.params.LAYERS,
- LAYER: layer.params.LAYERS,
- SRS: null,
- FORMAT: 'image/png'
- });
- var wmsLayerLegendWindow = new Ext.Window({
- title: 'WMS Legend: <span style="font-weight:normal;">' + layer.name + '</span>',
- items: [
- {
- xtype: 'panel',
- html: '<img src="' + frs + '">'
- }
- ]
- });
- wmsLayerLegendWindow.setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - 500, Ext.getCmp('center').y + 50);
- wmsLayerLegendWindow.show();
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- text: 'Opacity',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity',
- menu: {
- items: [
- {
- text: '0.1',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-10',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.1); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.2',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-20',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.2); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.3',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-30',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.3); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.4',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-40',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.4); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.5',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-50',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.5); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.6',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-60',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.6); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.7',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-70',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.7); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.8',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-80',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.8); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.9',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-90',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.9); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '1.0',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-100',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(1.0); } } }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- baseLayerOptionsWindow.setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - 206, Ext.getCmp('center').y + 50);
- baseLayerOptionsWindow.show();
- }
- function showVectorLayerOptions(layer, type) {
- if (Ext.getCmp('vectorlayeroptions_w')) {
- Ext.getCmp('vectorlayeroptions_w').destroy();
- }
- var data = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < layer.features.length; i++) {
- data.push([layer.features[i].data.id || i, layer.features[i].data.name]);
- }
- var featureStore = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- mode: 'local',
- autoDestroy: true,
- idProperty: 'id',
- fields: ['id','name'],
- sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'},
- data: data
- });
- var locateFeatureWindow = new Ext.Window({
- id: 'locatefeature_w',
- title: 'Locate features',
- layout: 'fit',
- defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:8px; border:0px'},
- width: 250,
- height: GLOBAL.util.getMultiSelectHeight() + 145,
- items: [
- {
- xtype: 'panel',
- items: [
- { html: '<div class="window-field-label-first">' + i18n_highlight_color + '</div>' },
- {
- xtype: 'colorfield',
- labelSeparator: GLOBAL.conf.labelseparator,
- id: 'highlightcolor_cf',
- allowBlank: false,
- isFormField: true,
- width: GLOBAL.conf.combo_width,
- value: "#0000FF"
- },
- { html: '<div class="window-field-label">' + i18n_feature_filter + '</div>' },
- {
- xtype: 'textfield',
- id: 'locatefeature_tf',
- enableKeyEvents: true,
- listeners: {
- 'keyup': {
- fn: function() {
- var p = Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_tf').getValue();
- featureStore.filter('name', p, true, false);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- { html: '<div class="window-field-nolabel"></div>' },
- {
- xtype: 'grid',
- id: 'featuregrid_gp',
- height: GLOBAL.util.getMultiSelectHeight(),
- store: featureStore,
- cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
- columns: [{id: 'name', header: 'Features', dataIndex: 'name', width: 250}]
- }),
- sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
- viewConfig: {forceFit: true},
- sortable: true,
- autoExpandColumn: 'name',
- listeners: {
- 'cellclick': {
- fn: function(g, ri, ci) {
- layer.redraw();
- var id, feature, backupF, backupS;
- id = g.getStore().getAt(ri).data.id;
- for (var i = 0; i < layer.features.length; i++) {
- if (layer.features[i].data.id == id) {
- feature = layer.features[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- var color = Ext.getCmp('highlightcolor_cf').getValue();
- var symbolizer;
- if (feature.attributes.featureType == GLOBAL.conf.map_feature_type_multipolygon ||
- feature.attributes.featureType == GLOBAL.conf.map_feature_type_polygon) {
- symbolizer = new OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Polygon({
- 'strokeColor': color,
- 'fillColor': color
- });
- }
- else if (feature.attributes.featureType == GLOBAL.conf.map_feature_type_point) {
- symbolizer = new OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Point({
- 'pointRadius': 7,
- 'fillColor': color
- });
- }
- layer.drawFeature(feature,symbolizer);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- listeners: {
- 'close': {
- fn: function() {
- GLOBAL.vars.locateFeatureWindow = false;
- layer.redraw();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- GLOBAL.vars.locateFeatureWindow = locateFeatureWindow;
- var vectorLayerOptionsWindow = new Ext.Window({
- id: 'vectorlayeroptions_w',
- title: 'Options: <span style="font-weight:normal;">' + layer.name + '</span>',
- closeAction: 'hide',
- width: 180,
- items: [
- {
- xtype: 'menu',
- id: 'vectorlayeroptions_m',
- floating: false,
- items: [
- {
- text: 'Locate feature',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-locate',
- listeners: {
- 'click': {
- fn: function() {
- if (type != GLOBAL.conf.map_layer_type_overlay) {
- if (layer.features.length > 0) {
- locateFeatureWindow.setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - 272, Ext.getCmp('center').y + 50);
- locateFeatureWindow.show();
- vectorLayerOptionsWindow.hide();
- }
- else {
- Ext.message.msg(false, '<span class="x-msg-hl">' + layer.name + ' </span>' + i18n_has_no_orgunits);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- text: 'Show/hide labels',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-labels',
- listeners: {
- 'click': {
- fn: function() {
- if (type != GLOBAL.conf.map_layer_type_overlay) {
- if (layer.features.length > 0) {
- if (layer.name == 'Polygon layer') {
- if (GLOBAL.vars.activePanel.isPolygon()) {
- GLOBAL.util.toggleFeatureLabels(choropleth);
- }
- else {
- Ext.message.msg(false, 'Please use <span class="x-msg-hl">Point layer</span> options');
- }
- }
- else if (layer.name == 'Point layer') {
- if (GLOBAL.vars.activePanel.isPoint()) {
- GLOBAL.util.toggleFeatureLabels(symbol);
- }
- else {
- Ext.message.msg(false, 'Please use <span class="x-msg-hl">Polygon layer</span> options');
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- Ext.message.msg(false, '<span class="x-msg-hl">' + layer.name + ' </span>' + i18n_has_no_orgunits);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- text: 'Opacity',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity',
- menu: {
- items: [
- {
- text: '0.1',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-10',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.1); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.2',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-20',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.2); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.3',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-30',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.3); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.4',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-40',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.4); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.5',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-50',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.5); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.6',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-60',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.6); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.7',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-70',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.7); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.8',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-80',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.8); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '0.9',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-90',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(0.9); } } }
- },
- {
- text: '1.0',
- iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity-100',
- listeners: { 'click': { fn: function() { layer.setOpacity(1.0); } } }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- vectorLayerOptionsWindow.setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - 202, Ext.getCmp('center').y + 50);
- vectorLayerOptionsWindow.show();
- }
- var layerTreeConfig = [{
- nodeType: 'gx_baselayercontainer',
- singleClickExpand: true,
- expanded: true,
- text: 'Base layers',
- iconCls: 'icon-background'
- }, {
- nodeType: 'gx_overlaylayercontainer',
- singleClickExpand: true
- }, {
- nodeType: 'gx_layer',
- layer: 'Polygon layer'
- }, {
- nodeType: 'gx_layer',
- layer: 'Point layer'
- }];
var layerTree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
title: '<span class="panel-title">' + i18n_map_layers + '</span>',
enableDD: true,
@@ -2337,34 +1952,289 @@
rootVisible: false,
root: {
nodeType: 'async',
- children: layerTreeConfig
+ children: [
+ {
+ nodeType: 'gx_baselayercontainer',
+ singleClickExpand: true,
+ expanded: true,
+ text: 'Base layers',
+ iconCls: 'icon-background'
+ },
+ {
+ nodeType: 'gx_overlaylayercontainer',
+ singleClickExpand: true
+ },
+ {
+ nodeType: 'gx_layer',
+ layer: 'Polygon layer'
+ },
+ {
+ nodeType: 'gx_layer',
+ layer: 'Point layer'
+ }
+ ]
+ contextMenuBaselayer: new Ext.menu.Menu({
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: 'Show WMS legend',
+ iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-wmslegend',
+ handler: function(item, e) {
+ var layer = item.parentMenu.contextNode.layer;
+ var frs = layer.getFullRequestString({
+ REQUEST: "GetLegendGraphic",
+ WIDTH: null,
+ HEIGHT: null,
+ EXCEPTIONS: "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml",
+ LAYERS: layer.params.LAYERS,
+ LAYER: layer.params.LAYERS,
+ SRS: null,
+ FORMAT: 'image/png'
+ });
+ var wmsLayerLegendWindow = new Ext.Window({
+ title: 'WMS Legend: <span style="font-weight:normal;">' + layer.name + '</span>',
+ items: [
+ {
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ html: '<img src="' + frs + '">'
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ wmsLayerLegendWindow.setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - 500, Ext.getCmp('center').y + 50);
+ wmsLayerLegendWindow.show();
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Opacity',
+ iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity',
+ menu: {
+ items: GLOBAL.conf.opacityItems,
+ listeners: {
+ 'itemclick': function(item) {
+ item.parentMenu.parentMenu.contextNode.layer.setOpacity(item.text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }),
+ contextMenuOverlay: new Ext.menu.Menu({
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: 'Opacity',
+ iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity',
+ menu: {
+ items: GLOBAL.conf.opacityItems,
+ listeners: {
+ 'itemclick': function(item) {
+ item.parentMenu.parentMenu.contextNode.layer.setOpacity(item.text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }),
+ contextMenuVector: new Ext.menu.Menu({
+ showLocateFeatureWindow: function(cm) {
+ var layer = GLOBAL.vars.map.getLayersByName(cm.contextNode.attributes.layer)[0];
+ var data = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < layer.features.length; i++) {
+ data.push([layer.features[i].data.id || i, layer.features[i].data.name]);
+ }
+ if (data.length) {
+ var featureStore = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
+ mode: 'local',
+ idProperty: 'id',
+ fields: ['id','name'],
+ sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'},
+ autoDestroy: true,
+ data: data
+ });
+ if (Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_w')) {
+ Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_w').destroy();
+ }
+ var locateFeatureWindow = new Ext.Window({
+ id: 'locatefeature_w',
+ title: 'Locate features',
+ layout: 'fit',
+ width: GLOBAL.conf.window_width,
+ height: GLOBAL.util.getMultiSelectHeight() + 140,
+ items: [
+ {
+ xtype: 'form',
+ bodyStyle:'padding:8px',
+ items: [
+ {html: '<div class="window-info">Locate an organisation unit in the map</div>'},
+ {
+ xtype: 'colorfield',
+ id: 'highlightcolor_cf',
+ emptyText: GLOBAL.conf.emptytext,
+ labelSeparator: GLOBAL.conf.labelseparator,
+ fieldLabel: i18n_highlight_color,
+ allowBlank: false,
+ width: GLOBAL.conf.combo_width_fieldset,
+ value: "#0000FF"
+ },
+ {
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ id: 'locatefeature_tf',
+ emptyText: GLOBAL.conf.emptytext,
+ labelSeparator: GLOBAL.conf.labelseparator,
+ fieldLabel: i18n_feature_filter,
+ width: GLOBAL.conf.combo_width_fieldset,
+ enableKeyEvents: true,
+ listeners: {
+ 'keyup': function(tf) {
+ featureStore.filter('name', tf.getValue(), true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {html: '<div class="window-p"></div>'},
+ {
+ xtype: 'grid',
+ id: 'featuregrid_gp',
+ height: GLOBAL.util.getMultiSelectHeight(),
+ cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
+ columns: [{id: 'name', header: 'Features', dataIndex: 'name', width: 250}]
+ }),
+ sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
+ viewConfig: {forceFit: true},
+ sortable: true,
+ autoExpandColumn: 'name',
+ store: featureStore,
+ listeners: {
+ 'cellclick': {
+ fn: function(g, ri, ci, e) {
+ layer.redraw();
+ var id, feature;
+ id = g.getStore().getAt(ri).data.id;
+ for (var i = 0; i < layer.features.length; i++) {
+ if (layer.features[i].data.id == id) {
+ feature = layer.features[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var color = Ext.getCmp('highlightcolor_cf').getValue();
+ var symbolizer;
+ if (feature.attributes.featureType == GLOBAL.conf.map_feature_type_multipolygon ||
+ feature.attributes.featureType == GLOBAL.conf.map_feature_type_polygon) {
+ symbolizer = new OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Polygon({
+ 'strokeColor': color,
+ 'fillColor': color
+ });
+ }
+ else if (feature.attributes.featureType == GLOBAL.conf.map_feature_type_point) {
+ symbolizer = new OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Point({
+ 'pointRadius': 7,
+ 'fillColor': color
+ });
+ }
+ layer.drawFeature(feature,symbolizer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ listeners: {
+ 'hide': function() {
+ layer.redraw();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ locateFeatureWindow.setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - (GLOBAL.conf.window_width + 15 + 5), Ext.getCmp('center').y + 41);
+ locateFeatureWindow.show();
+ }
+ else {
+ Ext.message.msg(false, '<span class="x-msg-hl">' + layer.name + '</span>: No features rendered');
+ }
+ },
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: 'Locate feature',
+ iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-locate',
+ handler: function(item, e) {
+ item.parentMenu.showLocateFeatureWindow(item.parentMenu);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Show/hide labels',
+ iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-labels',
+ handler: function(item, e) {
+ var layer = GLOBAL.vars.map.getLayersByName(item.parentMenu.contextNode.attributes.layer)[0];
+ if (layer.features.length) {
+ if (layer.name == 'Polygon layer') {
+ GLOBAL.util.toggleFeatureLabels(choropleth);
+ }
+ else if (layer.name == 'Point layer') {
+ GLOBAL.util.toggleFeatureLabels(symbol);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Ext.message.msg(false, '<span class="x-msg-hl">' + layer.name + '</span>: No features rendered');
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Opacity',
+ iconCls: 'menu-layeroptions-opacity',
+ menu: {
+ items: GLOBAL.conf.opacityItems,
+ listeners: {
+ 'itemclick': function(item) {
+ item.parentMenu.parentMenu.contextNode.layer.setOpacity(item.text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }),
listeners: {
- 'click': {
- fn: function(n) {
- if (n.parentNode.attributes.text == 'Base layers') {
- showWMSLayerOptions(GLOBAL.vars.map.getLayersByName(n.attributes.layer.name)[0]);
- }
- else if (n.parentNode.attributes.text == 'Overlays') {
- showVectorLayerOptions(GLOBAL.vars.map.getLayersByName(n.attributes.layer.name)[0], GLOBAL.conf.map_layer_type_overlay);
- }
- else if (n.isLeaf()) {
- showVectorLayerOptions(GLOBAL.vars.map.getLayersByName(n.attributes.layer)[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- },
+ 'contextmenu': function(node, e) {
+ if (node.attributes.text != 'Base layers' && node.attributes.text != 'Overlays') {
+ node.select();
+ if (node.parentNode.attributes.text == 'Base layers') {
+ var cmb = node.getOwnerTree().contextMenuBaselayer;
+ cmb.contextNode = node;
+ cmb.showAt(e.getXY());
+ }
+ else if (node.parentNode.attributes.text == 'Overlays') {
+ var cmo = node.getOwnerTree().contextMenuOverlay;
+ cmo.contextNode = node;
+ cmo.showAt(e.getXY());
+ }
+ else {
+ var cmv = node.getOwnerTree().contextMenuVector;
+ cmv.contextNode = node;
+ cmv.showAt(e.getXY());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
bbar: new Ext.StatusBar({
id: 'maplayers_sb',
- items:
- [
+ items: [
xtype: 'button',
id: 'baselayers_b',
text: 'Base layers',
- cls: 'x-btn-text-icon',
- ctCls: 'aa_med',
- icon: '../../images/add_small.png',
+ iconCls: 'icon-add',
handler: function() {
Ext.getCmp('baselayers_w').setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - (GLOBAL.conf.window_width + 15 + 5), Ext.getCmp('center').y + 41);
@@ -2374,9 +2244,7 @@
xtype: 'button',
id: 'overlays_b',
text: 'Overlays',
- cls: 'x-btn-text-icon',
- ctCls: 'aa_med',
- icon: '../../images/add_small.png',
+ iconCls: 'icon-add',
handler: function() {
Ext.getCmp('overlays_w').setPagePosition(Ext.getCmp('east').x - (GLOBAL.conf.window_width + 15 + 5), Ext.getCmp('center').y + 41);
@@ -2578,8 +2446,8 @@
zoomOutButton, ' ',
- favoritesButton, ' ',
- predefinedMapLegendSetButton, ' ',
+ favoritesButton,
+ predefinedMapLegendSetButton,
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/resources/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Choropleth.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/resources/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Choropleth.js 2010-12-09 15:11:24 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/resources/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Choropleth.js 2010-12-14 12:53:07 +0000
@@ -1416,22 +1416,13 @@
loadGeoJson: function() {
- function load() {
- GLOBAL.vars.mask.msg = i18n_loading_geojson;
- GLOBAL.vars.mask.show();
- this.setUrl(GLOBAL.conf.path_mapping + 'getGeoJson.action?' +
- 'parentId=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.parent.id +
- '&level=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.level.level
- );
- }
+ GLOBAL.vars.mask.msg = i18n_loading_geojson;
+ GLOBAL.vars.mask.show();
- if (this.isDrillDown || this.mapView) {
- load.call(this);
- }
- else { //TODO
- load.call(this);
- }
+ this.setUrl(GLOBAL.conf.path_mapping + 'getGeoJson.action?' +
+ 'parentId=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.parent.id +
+ '&level=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.level.level
+ );
classify: function(exception, position) {
@@ -1453,7 +1444,11 @@
this.mapView = false;
- if (this.updateValues) {
+ if (this.updateValues) {
+ if (Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_w')) {
+ Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_w').destroy();
+ }
var dataUrl = this.valueType.isIndicator() ? 'getIndicatorMapValues' : 'getDataElementMapValues';
var params = {
id: this.valueType.isIndicator() ? this.form.findField('indicator').getValue() : this.form.findField('dataelement').getValue(),
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/resources/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Symbol.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/resources/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Symbol.js 2010-12-09 15:11:24 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-mapping/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-mapping/resources/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Symbol.js 2010-12-14 12:53:07 +0000
@@ -1391,22 +1391,13 @@
loadGeoJson: function() {
- function load() {
- GLOBAL.vars.mask.msg = i18n_loading_geojson;
- GLOBAL.vars.mask.show();
- this.setUrl(GLOBAL.conf.path_mapping + 'getGeoJson.action?' +
- 'parentId=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.parent.id +
- '&level=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.level.level
- );
- }
+ GLOBAL.vars.mask.msg = i18n_loading_geojson;
+ GLOBAL.vars.mask.show();
- if (this.isDrillDown || this.mapView) {
- load.call(this);
- }
- else { //TODO
- load.call(this);
- }
+ this.setUrl(GLOBAL.conf.path_mapping + 'getGeoJson.action?' +
+ 'parentId=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.parent.id +
+ '&level=' + this.organisationUnitSelection.level.level
+ );
classify: function(exception, position) {
@@ -1428,7 +1419,11 @@
this.mapView = false;
- if (this.updateValues) {
+ if (this.updateValues) {
+ if (Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_w')) {
+ Ext.getCmp('locatefeature_w').destroy();
+ }
var dataUrl = this.valueType.isIndicator() ? 'getIndicatorMapValues' : 'getDataElementMapValues';
var params = {
id: this.valueType.isIndicator() ? this.form.findField('indicator').getValue() : this.form.findField('dataelement').getValue(),