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Re: No tables and No charts


I use apache as reverse proxy because this server has a lot more other
applications besides DHIS.

I used to place these lines to make a reverse proxy with apache:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.dhis.co.mz
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPass /dhis/
    ProxyPassReverse /dhis/
    RedirectMatch permanent ^/dhis$ /dhis/

This worked fine. My DHIS 2.10 still use that (with an Public IP). And one
of my 2.12 (but that inside a LAN) too.

This problem raised on a production server (32GB RAM/i7 for CPU/and 32GB
SSD) with 2.12. Somehow when using GIS, Pivot Table and Chart the generated
URL to ask get something uses the ProxyPass URL!!! Which none will be
routed to.

So I used what the greaty DHIS implementation manual says:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName ns1.sptech.co.mz
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPass /dhis  ajp://localhost:8009/dhis
    ProxyPassReverse /dhis  ajp://localhost:8009/dhis
    <Location "/dhis">
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

and add this line on httpd.conf (this is a CentOS machine): LoadModule
proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so.

Restart Mr apache. And all problems and suffering are gone! Thanks for


On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 7:50 AM, Jason Pickering <
jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hmm. Strange. I have seen some bizarre stuff with Nginx related to
> caching, but not with Apache (but have not tried to cache with Apache
> either).
>  Could you share the part of your config related to your proxy?
> Also, do you have any upstream proxy which might be affecting this? In one
> installation I did, the corporate proxy server was interfering with
> requests to DHIS and we needed to exempt it.
> Regar
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Orvalho Augusto <orvaquim@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> An update:
>> Using Firefox Web Console I learn that the rquest sent to the server by
>> Mr Pivot Table is
>> --
>> [17:24:27.455] OPTIONS
>>;201202;201203;201204;201205;201206;201207;201208;201209;201210;201211;201212&filter=ou:RxI4QQCY37P[HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 1ms]
>> Which from here will never work from where I am. So I tried to access
>> DHIS without Apache Proxy and Voila!
>> So I have serious troubles with apache reverse proxying. But why is that?
>> Thanks
>> Caveman
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Orvalho Augusto <orvaquim@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> Thank you for the time you took on this.
>>> I attach attach the logs containing the precious analytics generation
>>> moment. I logged the machine by
>>> "INFO  2013-07-29 12:53:20".
>>> I went to pivot tables and tried to build a table (dataelement: first
>>> consultations, period: all months from 2012, organisationunities: I have
>>> chosen a lot of levels and specific health centers). The layout is rows for
>>> data, columns for periods and filter the organisationunit.
>>> During that time no word from Mr tomcat on catalina.out! I clicked the
>>> home button there was some special words from tomcat:
>>> Hibernate: select documents0_.userid as userid1_27_3_,
>>> documents0_.documentid as document2_28_3_, documents0_.sort_order as
>>> sort3_3_, document1_.documentid as document1_58_0_, document1_.uid as
>>> uid2_58_0_, document1_.code as code3_58_0_, document1_.created as
>>> created4_58_0_, document1_.lastUpdated as lastUpda5_58_0_, document1_.name
>>> as name6_58_0_, document1_.url as url7_58_0_, document1_.external as
>>> external8_58_0_, document1_.contentType as contentT9_58_0_,
>>> document1_.userid as userid10_58_0_, document1_.publicAccess as
>>> publicA11_58_0_, user2_.userinfoid as userinfo1_189_1_, user2_.uid as
>>> uid2_189_1_, user2_.code as code3_189_1_, user2_.lastUpdated as
>>> lastUpda4_189_1_, user2_.created as created5_189_1_, user2_.surname as
>>> surname6_189_1_, user2_.firstName as firstNam7_189_1_, user2_.email as
>>> email8_189_1_, user2_.phoneNumber as phoneNum9_189_1_, user2_.jobTitle as
>>> jobTitl10_189_1_, user2_.introduction as introdu11_189_1_, user2_.gender as
>>> gender12_189_1_, user2_.birthday as birthda13_189_1_, user2_.nationality as
>>> nationa14_189_1_, user2_.employer as employe15_189_1_, user2_.education as
>>> educati16_189_1_, user2_.interests as interes17_189_1_, user2_.languages as
>>> languag18_189_1_, user2_.lastCheckedInterpretations as lastChe19_189_1_,
>>> usercreden3_.userid as userid1_196_2_, usercreden3_.username as
>>> username2_196_2_, usercreden3_.password as password3_196_2_,
>>> usercreden3_.lastLogin as lastLogi4_196_2_, usercreden3_.restoreToken as
>>> restoreT5_196_2_, usercreden3_.restoreCode as restoreC6_196_2_,
>>> usercreden3_.restoreExpiry as restoreE7_196_2_, usercreden3_.selfRegistered
>>> as selfRegi8_196_2_, usercreden3_.disabled as disabled9_196_2_,
>>> usercreden3_.created as created10_196_2_ from dashboardcontent_documents
>>> documents0_ inner join document document1_ on
>>> documents0_.documentid=document1_.documentid left outer join userinfo
>>> user2_ on document1_.userid=user2_.userinfoid left outer join users
>>> usercreden3_ on user2_.userinfoid=usercreden3_.userid where
>>> documents0_.userid=?
>>> * WARN  2013-07-29 13:05:44,725 Validation failed: At least one period
>>> must be specified as dimension or filter (DefaultQueryPlanner.java
>>> [http-8080-8])
>>> * WARN  2013-07-29 13:05:45,087 Validation failed: At least one period
>>> must be specified as dimension or filter (DefaultQueryPlanner.java
>>> [http-8080-10])
>>> * WARN  2013-07-29 13:05:45,095 Validation failed: At least one period
>>> must be specified as dimension or filter (DefaultQueryPlanner.java
>>> [http-8080-3])
>>> I decided to go back to the Pivot tables. Tomcat screamos this
>>> interesting line:
>>> * WARN  2013-07-29 13:06:04,122 HHH000179: Narrowing proxy to class
>>> org.hisp.dhis.period.YearlyPeriodType - this operation breaks ==
>>> (StatefulPersistenceContext.java [http-8080-5])
>>> And keeps quite when I try anything on Pivot table. I clicked home again
>>> and again got back to Pivot table etc... the same behavior.
>>> One very important note:
>>> The data I use on this database was once built on a CentOS 6.3 server
>>> with Postgres 8.4 and DHIS 2.10. Then I pgdumped the database to this
>>> server with Postgres 9.2 [which has this troubles] on CentOS 6.3. Yesterday
>>> after this frustration I build another server with same CentOS but 8.4 with
>>> DHIS 2.12. It works fine!
>>> I would like to have pgsql 9.2.
>>> If necessary I can provide DHIS credentials to you to have a look.
>>> Caveman
>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Jason Pickering <
>>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi Caveman,
>>>> Took a look at your files, but the process when the analytics tables
>>>> are generated are not there. This would be useful to see but from your SQL
>>>> output, it seems they are there.
>>>> Are you sure that your chart/table has been specified properly? I have
>>>> seen this bug with legacy charts, so it might be useful to try and create a
>>>> new one and be sure it is not related to this. While you do this, "tail"
>>>> the catalina.out log and send us the output.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jason
>>>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Orvalho Augusto <orvaquim@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> The medicine suggested (generating the resources tables manually) did
>>>>> not make the bad spirits go away. Still the same interesting empty window.
>>>>> I follow your recommendations below.
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <
>>>>> larshelge@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Caveman,
>>>>>> First try to run the resource tables directly from maintenance.
>>>>>> If that works, can you please look around and tell us whether:
>>>>>> - there are any exceptions in any of the tomcat logs, there might be
>>>>>> access*, localhost*, manager*, catalina.out.
>>>>> There is one exception occurring when I log into DHIS on localhost*
>>>>> file
>>>>> SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet webapi threw exception
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.analytics.IllegalQueryException: At least one period
>>>>> must be specified as dimension or filter
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.analytics.data.DefaultQueryPlanner.validate(DefaultQueryPlanner.java:149)
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.analytics.data.DefaultAnalyticsService.getAggregatedDataValues(DefaultAnalyticsService.java:186)
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.analytics.data.DefaultAnalyticsService.getAggregatedDataValueMapping(DefaultAnalyticsService.java:446)
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.analytics.data.DefaultAnalyticsService.getAggregatedDataValueMapping(DefaultAnalyticsService.java:477)
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.chart.impl.DefaultChartService.getCategoryDataSet(DefaultChartService.java:681)
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.chart.impl.DefaultChartService.getJFreeChart(DefaultChartService.java:499)
>>>>>     at
>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.chart.impl.DefaultChartService.getJFreeChart(DefaultChartService.java:202)
>>>>>     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>> And thereafter nothing else even when I try to run Pivot table or
>>>>> Charts.
>>>>> On catalina.out there are some errors related to alter table and add
>>>>> keys which have been described on previous mails as innocent messages.
>>>>>> - there are any tables in Mr database starting with analytics*
>>>>> Mr database contain those great anlytics* table
>>>>>  Schema |                   Name                   |   Type   | Owner
>>>>> --------+------------------------------------------+----------+-------
>>>>>  public | Sheet1                                   | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _categoryoptioncomboname                 | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _categorystructure                       | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _dataelementcategoryoptioncombo          | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _dataelementgroupsetstructure            | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _dataelementstructure                    | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _indicatorgroupsetstructure              | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _organisationunitgroupsetstructure       | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _orgunitstructure                        | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _periodstructure                         | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | _view_makeconemdummies                   | view     | dhis
>>>>>  public | _view_pgactivity                         | view     | dhis
>>>>>  public | _view_rootorgunits                       | view     | dhis
>>>>>  public | _view_sqlteste                           | view     | dhis
>>>>>  public | aggregateddatasetcompleteness            | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | aggregateddatavalue                      | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | aggregatedindicatorvalue                 | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness     | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | aggregatedorgunitdatavalue               | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue          | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | analytics_2011                           | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | analytics_2012                           | table    | dhis
>>>>>  public | analytics_2013                           | table    | dhis
>>>>> - how many records there are in these tables
>>>>> dhis2=# select 2011 as year, count(*) as N from analytics_2011
>>>>> union all select 2012, count(*) as N from analytics_2012
>>>>> union all select 2013, count(*) as N from analytics_2013;
>>>>>  year |   n
>>>>> ------+--------
>>>>>  2011 |    161
>>>>>  2012 | 821318
>>>>>  2013 | 279987
>>>>> (3 rows)
>>>>>>  - please also post your tomcat log contents after the process
>>>>>> starts.
>>>>> Those tomcat gossips are attached on the mail. They have targzipped.
>>>>>  Lars
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Caveman
>>>>>>  On Jul 27, 2013 8:28 PM, "Orvalho Augusto" <orvaquim@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I have setup a DHIS server with the war:
>>>>>> > Version:
>>>>>> > 2.12
>>>>>> > Build revision:
>>>>>> > 11253
>>>>>> > Build date:
>>>>>> > 2013-07-26 15:57
>>>>>> > Using OpenJDK 7 on a 64 bit linux box and PostreSQL 9.2.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > The problem:
>>>>>> > NO table neither chart can be dispalyed. I have tried a lot of
>>>>>> dataelements for the periods and organisationunit I know to have data but I
>>>>>> just have a small blank window. And Mr tomcat doens't say nothing on the
>>>>>> logs (I have -f on tail command).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I have run Mr Analytics and Mr Datamart. And I am on Firefox 22 (64
>>>>>> bit Xubuntu).
>>>>>> > Caveman
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
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>>>>>> >
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