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Re: Surveillance Alerts - Sending Alerts


You also raise a good point about sending alerts from different parts of
the org unit hierarchy to different groups of users. I'm trying to imagine
how this could be configured. Perhaps when you configure a validation rule
group you could choose a point in the org unit hierarchy and assign a user
group to be alerted for organisations at or below that point -- and then
you could make similar assignments for other points in the org unit
hierarchy as well. This sounds very useful to me, if a bit awkward. Can you
imagine a simpler mechanism?

If you can say a bit more about the use case, that also strengthens the
case for a new feature. In particular, can you tell me what kinds of
position(s) the users have who want to know about maternal or neonatal
deaths in their district?


On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Jim Grace <jimgrace@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Prosper, thanks for the feedback. The role is only used to identify a
> group of users, so it doesn't matter what authorities the role has. You
> could create any number of otherwise dummy roles for this purpose.
> But your point is very well taken that user groups are in general easier
> to set up and administer (without needing the authority to create roles.)
> That's a very good suggestion for the future.
>  Thanks,
> Jim
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Prosper BT <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear Team and Jim
>> Thanks for this validation rule type that helps us send alerts above set
>> thresholds. Am planning to implement it on one of our use case - Maternal
>> and Neonatal Weekly death reports. Basically I want sms sent to a group of
>> users whenever a maternal or neonatal death is reported.
>> First of all the two challenges I have are:
>> - Sending to users assigned a given user role as opposed to sending to
>> users in a given group. Its easier to send to a user group as opposed to
>> the current design that only allows to send to users assigned a given user
>> role. First of all am not sure what different authorities this role should
>> have. Secondary in a situation where I have no rights to create a user role
>> I cant implement this like the case of Uganda national DHIS2.
>> So I would suggest we either add sending to a user group.
>> - Ability to localize the alerts to the hierarchy; right now we can only
>> send alerts to a central team otherwise it creates a lot of noise if we
>> send to user of lower levels for them to be relevant. A user in districts B
>> may not be interested in alerts from district C would rather only receive
>> from his only district. But currently if a user in District B is assigned
>> the alert role, he/she will receive alerts from all districts.
>> Regards
>> --
>> Prosper Behumbiize, MPH
>> Phone:        +256 414 320076
>> Cell:             +256 772 139037
>>                      +256 752 751776

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