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Message #41358
Re: Web API : Get Indicator Value
Dear Julhas,
Thank you very much. I actually needed orgUnitId to call web-api. Iused the
following code to get it done. Seems to work on data entry screen.
var ouselect = $('.selected').attr('href');
var orgid = ouselect.match(/"([^"]+)"/)[1];
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Julhas Sujan <julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Pamod,
> Please paste the following code in your dataentry screen and check the
> result from console. It will show the selected organization unit and period:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> dhis2.util.on( 'dhis2.de.event.formReady', function( event, aglAzf2x2bF )
> {
> var orgName = $( '#selectedOrganisationUnit' ).val();
> console .log('Org Name: '+orgName );
> var periodName = $( '#selectedPeriodId :selected' ).text();
> console.log('Period: '+periodName);
> });
> </script>
> If you need more information please let me know.
> Thanks
> Julhas
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Julhas,
>> I managed to get most of the stuff figured out to get the above
>> functionality done. Just need a quick help if you are not busy. How to
>> capture the selected org unit ID from DOM at data entry screen. I could
>> capture org unit name from input box but id doesn't contain
>> organisationUnit ID.
>> Thank you
>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 7:50 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Sure. Thanx Julhas.
>>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Julhas Sujan <julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thank you very much. I got your point. It is possible but u need to
>>>> call internal API from DHIS2 data entry screen and api will give you the
>>>> last day mid night total.
>>>> You need to use JavaScript to auto save this extracted data. I am too
>>>> much busy with my recent project. You may organize this following things:
>>>> 1. Create dataset and data elements and make elements group
>>>> 2. Assign organization Unit and
>>>> 3. Design Data entry Screen
>>>> Develop the mentioned points in your development server and send me
>>>> this credentials. I will develop this api in your development when i will
>>>> free.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Julhas
>>>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Julhas,
>>>>> There is a data set which records number and category of in ward
>>>>> patients in a hospital. for example following are few data elements in the
>>>>> data set.
>>>>> 1. mid night total
>>>>> 2. new admissions
>>>>> 3. transfer out
>>>>> 4. transfer in
>>>>> 5. deaths
>>>>> 6. discharges
>>>>> 7. total in ward
>>>>> therefore, today's mid night total would be yesterday's total in ward
>>>>> patients. therefore, rather than manually entering mid night total, it
>>>>> would avoid typing errors if we can retrieve that from yesterday's data set.
>>>>> the web api query u work could be used to obtain the value. i was just
>>>>> wondering of 2 things.
>>>>> 1. whether relative periods like last_month, yesterday are not
>>>>> supported
>>>>> 2. whether filtering could be used to obtain the specific dataElement
>>>>> value.
>>>>> eg:
>>>>> https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/dataValueSets?dataSet=BfMAe6Itzgt&period=201506&orgUnit=DiszpKrYNg8&filter=dataElement:eq:s46m5MS0hxu
>>>>> but above does not work
>>>>> Thanx a lot.
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Julhas Sujan <julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Pamod,
>>>>>> Sure, I will check. Can you please give me the detail business logic
>>>>>> that you want to do. I need more conceptualization on your problem/api
>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Julhas
>>>>>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Julhas,
>>>>>>> Hope you are doing great. I was too busy with eHealth Asia 2015
>>>>>>> conference, I virtually couldn't work on the problem I mentioned before. I
>>>>>>> tried to check the api request u mentioned today.
>>>>>>> https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/dataValueSets?dataSet=BfMAe6Itzgt&period=201506&orgUnit=DiszpKrYNg8
>>>>>>> it's working fine on demo server. just being curious whether the
>>>>>>> relative period LAST_MONTH could be used for this requirement in web-api.
>>>>>>> When i tried replacing it with 201506 it says "at least one valid period or
>>>>>>> start/end date must be specified".
>>>>>>> have u tried using relavtive periods in api, if so is there a
>>>>>>> different syntax to be used when calling for periods.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:00 PM, Julhas Sujan <
>>>>>>> julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>> console.log(json);
>>>>>>>> });
>>>>>>>> Here, json is an array. Your previous month data is containing
>>>>>>>> there. Just you have to extract from it.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Julhas Sujan <
>>>>>>>> julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> You have to set logic based on your requirements. You may use for
>>>>>>>>> loop for jquery or javascript.
>>>>>>>>> Hope you can do. :)
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:24 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <
>>>>>>>>> pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanx Julhas, I'm currently outside at my clinic, will test it
>>>>>>>>>> once I reach home. But if we are to get the particular date dynamically is
>>>>>>>>>> there any provision on web api for relative date such as PREVIOUS DAY or
>>>>>>>>>> YESTERDAY etc.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Julhas Sujan <
>>>>>>>>>> julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Pamod,
>>>>>>>>>>> Please check and try from your data entry screen:
>>>>>>>>>>> dhis2.util.on( 'dhis2.de.event.formReady', function( event, ds )
>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>> jQuery( "#formLoad" ).html( "Form loaded successfully: " + ds
>>>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>>>> jQuery.get("../api/dataValueSets?dataSet="+ds+"&period=201506&orgUnit=DiszpKrYNg8",function(json)
>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>> console.log(json);
>>>>>>>>>>> });
>>>>>>>>>>> } );
>>>>>>>>>>> I have tested it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Julhas
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <
>>>>>>>>>>> pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you Julhas. I too have been quite busy recently with a
>>>>>>>>>>>> Health Informatics Conference we are organizing. I'll add you on skype and
>>>>>>>>>>>> buzz you, if there's any update or need clarification.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx again
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Julhas Sujan <
>>>>>>>>>>>> julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks. I understood your problem. Yes it is possible to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous day data in the data entry screen using web-api. Now i am too much
>>>>>>>>>>>>> busy. I will knock you soon. It will better for us in skype discussion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may add me in skype: julhas08
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Julhas
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:59 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Julhas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for the prompt reply and sorry for my late response
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coz I had some issue with my laptop and had to format it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the exact requirement is to obtain the mid night total of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous day of each ward to the starting total of a form of present day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The form is as below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> POT value should be replaced by value of midnight total of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous day. Since mid night total is an indicator, i was thinking to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web-api to pull that data from previous day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I couldn't check on ur solution yet, but do you think there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is an alternate way of achieving this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 4:08 PM, Julhas Sujan <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Pamod,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you share me about your instance? Actually, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicators.json is for all of your indicators regarding this dataset. You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> may get the analytic's data as my mentioned array as:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/analytics?dimension=dx:FnYCr2EAzWS;eTDtyyaSA7f&dimension=pe:THIS_YEAR&filter=ou:ImspTQPwCqd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where,dx:FnYCr2EAzWS=dataset
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe:THIS_YEAR=Period
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ou:ImspTQPwCqd=Organization Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Authentication: admin / district
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please try again by this api.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And I have given you my previous email as my working dataset.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Julhas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Julhas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The solution you suggested doesn't seem to work on my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance. Output of indicators.json is the same output I get for the query
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> u mentioned without getting filtered by orgUnit or period.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The particular example you mentioned, is it on a dataSet in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> demo site.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Julhas Sujan <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> julhaspustcse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Pamod,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please check the following link as for indicators data:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ../api/indicators.json?dataSet=XT5UDcXpXst&period=201506&orgUnit=ddTZZY0GhLW
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For value format as an array:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $resultData1= Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'resultData' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'headers' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '0' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'name' => 'dx',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'column' => 'Data',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'type' => 'java.lang.String'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '1' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'name' => 'pe',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'column' => 'Period',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'type' => 'java.lang.String'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '2' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'name' => 'ou',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'column' => 'Organisation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unit',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'type' => 'java.lang.String'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '3' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'name' => 'value',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'column' => 'Value',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'type' => 'java.lang.Double'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'metaData' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'names' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'pe' => 'Period',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'yAfJFLuVkEa' => 'Argariya CC,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gazipur Sadar',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'ou' => 'Organisation unit',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'dx' => 'Data',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'JQt3QsxwLp5' =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Zinc_ClosingBalance',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '201506' => 'August 2015'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'rows' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '0' => Array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '0' =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'JQt3QsxwLp5',//indicator id
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '1' => 201508,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '2' => 'yAfJFLuVkEa',//
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '3' => 1360.0// Indicator value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $indicatorId=$data['resultData']['rows'][0][0];
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $orgUnitServer=$data['resultData']['rows'][0][2];
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $indicatorValue=$data['resultData']['rows'][0][3];//
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Indicator Values
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope it will be helpful for you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Julhas Sujan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Management Science for Health(MSH)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhaka, Bangladesh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skype: julhas08
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Web: www.julhas.info
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. what is the format to get a value of an aggregated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicator of a particular data set using web - API. Is it stored in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database or calculated in real time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. is the relative period available for Previous Day
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (yesterday).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [image: http://ehealthasia.org] <http://ehealthasia.org>
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [image: http://ehealthasia.org] <http://ehealthasia.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [image: http://ehealthasia.org] <http://ehealthasia.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email
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>>>>>>>>>>>> [image: http://ehealthasia.org] <http://ehealthasia.org>
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email
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>>>>>>>>>> [image: http://ehealthasia.org] <http://ehealthasia.org>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
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>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email and any
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Pamod Amarakoon
>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email and any
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Pamod Amarakoon
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