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Re: Reg: DHIS2 docker instance.


Hi Paulo,

I have fixed the tests and committed them.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Nalinikanth,
> please fix those tests. It's important that when you do this kind of
> refactor you change all the dependencies. Also to improve the quality of
> the review of the PRs it would be nicer to have smaller PRs instead of a
> big bang approach.
> -- Paulo
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:11 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hey Paulo,
>> Forgot to mention I changed two variables in env.js to
>> properRequestParams from auth as it has got all the headers not just
>> authorization details. If it is okay I will go ahead and fix your tests as
>> well else I will do changes in my tests.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> try to use postman or curl to see if you get the expected response back.
>> Or just enable debug in chakram to print request and response details to
>> the console.
>> http://dareid.github.io/chakram/jsdoc/module-chakram.html#.startDebug
>> Before merge try to get a green pipeline :) not sure it's broken because
>> of your changes... please have a look.
>> BR,
>> Paulo
>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:46 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hey Jason/Paulo,
>> I have sent a pull request to merge the tests that we have till now.
>> I got an issue while running a test for all the APIs The test is calling
>> an API with improper authorization. When an API is called with improper
>> authorization it should give 401 status. I used to get this status earlier
>> but now couldn't get the status it should be either issue with chakram or
>> may be the we are not getting a proper json response from DHIS2. I will
>> merge again once I fixed this issue. please let me know if you have any
>> insights about this.
>> When running integration tests it should span across two environments so
>> added a new environment file and aligned in the same way so we can pass it
>> during run time for tests. Will be adding more data checks to sync and
>> compare, once they are done will merge it.
>> And all the contract tests for versioning should be run on a fresh db
>> instance and this should be run in the same order  as in
>> versioningContractTests.sh folder we tried keeping this tests independent
>> but couldn't succeed in achieving that as we don't have a delete API to
>> delete versions so once a version is created we need to delete it from
>> backend so for now these tests are coupled. The delete API is there in our
>> pipeline once that is developed I will decouple these tests.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M.
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Paulo,
>> There is no specific reason these were under development. But these were
>> dependent will have a look and see how can I merge them.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Nalinikanth,
>> is there any reason to keep a separate repo with these tests? It would be
>> nice to have the tests as part of https://github.com/dhis2/api-tests
>> There is also a pipeline to execute the tests in Travis
>> https://travis-ci.org/dhis2/api-tests
>> Docker image build is also automated, runs once per day, and is
>> publishing images to Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com/r/
>> dhis2/dhis2-web/tags/
>> Best regards,
>> Paulo
>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 2:41 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Jason & Paulo,
>> Hope you are doing good.
>> It has been a long time! We are writing tests for metadata sync. All the
>> tests are added to the repo here
>> <https://github.com/msf-oca-his/API_Test>.
>> In the above repository navigate to the path API_Test/testcases/
>> metadatasync/integration/
>> there is a generic test “ImportMetadataTest" which we wrote for testing
>> how various types of metadata entities will sync from HQ/central instance
>> to local/field.
>> There are two ways of running the test
>> 1. To run this test without any database on HQ and Local.
>> To test how sync is behaving with respect to various metadata entities on
>> two new instances without any data model on it. All we need is to have
>> metadata versions in this folder - API_Test/testdata/
>> metadatasync/versiondata
>> We can have any number of versions in the folder. It depends on how user
>> wants metadata sync to happen or what all metadata associations or
>> disassociations user wants to test. For now I kept two version files.
>> To run the test for Version_1 run this should be run using "env
>> version="Version_2" mocha ImportMetadataTest.js --timeout 20000” which is
>> can be added to a shell script to run version one after the other like it
>> is in integrationTestsWithoutDB.sh file. This will first import data on
>> HQ/Central instance using import api and then Local/field instance will
>> sync the version from HQ.
>> Once the version is synced to Local/Field then we are doing two tests.
>> One is asserting the data in
>> http://*local*/api/metadata/version/Version_1/data with http://*HQ*
>> /api/metadata/version/Version_1/data by comparing them.
>> Later it will compare all the entities(which are present in that version)
>> individually say we have a array of data elements then it will pick all the
>> data elements and compare one by one and continues for other entities as
>> well.
>> e.g: It will compare http://*local*/api/dataElements/id with http://*HQ*
>> /api/dataElements/id
>> 2. To test how sync is behaving with respect to various metadata entities
>> on two instances where HQ already have n versions[Pre defined database]. We
>> are using the same script to import version by version. It will also do a
>> couple of assertions on top of the metadata when synced. The first
>> assertion being same as above it will compare the data in http://*local*
>> /api/metadata/version/Version_1/data with http://*HQ*/api/metadata/
>> version/Version_1/data.
>> But the next level comparison is a bit different it will compare the
>> entities by fetching the entity data which is present in
>> http://*local*/api/metadata/version/Version_1/data with http://*local*
>> /api/dataElements/id
>> Here there won’t be entire json for any entity on http://*local*
>> /api/metadata/version/Version_1/data this will contain very limited
>> details we are just comparing the minimal entities getting them from
>> Local/Field using jsonfilters in api call.
>> We had this kind of assertions because say user has Version_1 and has a
>> data element abcd1234 and the name might have changed in Version_2
>>  abcd12345 as HQ has got n versions in it so if we want to compare json of
>> it on both HQ and Local we have different names so we took this approach.
>> Can you please have a look at this and let me know if any changes are
>> required.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> I am Nalinikanth, QA on the MSF-OCA project and we are using DHIS2. We
>> are building  API automation suites as a part of our project. We are
>> working along with Jason. P and Paulo. We have been discussing on how to
>> take this forward and you can find our discussions thread in this mail.
>> Please do comment or provide feedback if you have any ideas or thoughts
>> around the same.
>> I am attaching the repos as well for your reference.
>> https://github.com/msf-oca-his/API_Test
>> https://github.com/dhis2/api-tests
>> Feedback from the community would be well appreciated.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Vanya Seth <vanyas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> It makes sense to make this discussion public. So, that  other members of
>> the community can also provide their inputs.
>> Regards
>> Vanya
>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Nalinikanth,
>> is it the idea to keep a different repo with the tests for metadata
>> versioning?
>> Regarding how to setup data I don't have strong opinions on this. I think
>> we should try one approach and see if it works. The initial idea was to
>> have a docker image already baked with the data we want, for each test
>> execution, that we can control using docker compose.
>> https://github.com/dhis2/api-tests/blob/master/docker-compose.yml
>> -- Paulo
>> On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 3:21 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Jason/ Paulo,
>> Hope you are doing well.
>> As a part of the API testing we have written some test for the metadata
>> versioning APIs, which is a core feature contributed by us to DHIS2 version
>> 2.24. We did minor changes to the folder structure. We leverage *before
>> and after* functions to setup and tear down data. Please have a look at
>> the tests here <https://github.com/msf-oca-his/API_Test>. Please do let
>> us know any feedback on the tests.
>> I have been through the repo that Paulo was working on, the way he
>> extracted the version in env.js file looks okay but we did it in a slightly
>> different way. That anyway would help us in providing the ability for tests
>> to run across multiple versions of DHIS2.
>> One more thing to discuss upon is we can do contract testing of APIs
>> which might not need a predefined data in the data base but, in some cases
>> like when we test *datavaluesets* or any other similar APIs we might
>> need some data which should already be set up. Similarly, we want to
>> leverage the API testing to do integration tests as well. This will require
>> a database  set up to be done before the tests run on the system. For that
>> we can have a DHIS2 empty instance on which we can set up the data and
>> remove the database once the tests are run. We are looking at  two ways to
>> accomplish this:
>>    1. Setting the database dump using sql scripts.
>>    2. We can create data using metadata import API(using import API to
>>    set up metadata), where the set up will run before the tests.
>> We how ever feel setting up metadata using APIs will be useful as we can
>> leverage it irrespective of the database we are using and it will be able
>> to create data properly across versions. Where as setting up the database
>> using sql might have to be maintained and should be migrated properly for
>> every version of DHIS2 release. So we are a kind of not wanting to
>> implement this way.  So we feel the second way of setting up data required
>> for tests makes more sense. Can you please share your thoughts on this as
>> well.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thank you Paulo, Enjoy your vacation we can discuss once you are back :)
>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 5:51 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, I think Jason is on vacation and I'm also leaving tomorrow. Just a
>> heads up that the repo for the tests is now this one.
>> https://github.com/dhis2/api-tests
>> BR,
>> Paulo
>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 1:00 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Jason & Paulo,
>> Hope you are doing good. We were busy with pushing the Metadata sync
>> feature to DHIS2 trunk to make it in time for  2.24 release. We are done
>> with that and I got some time to resume the automation. I  was looking at
>> https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-api-system-test/, the tests are good
>> and I would also like to same kind of test structure. Some clarifications
>> though:
>> 1. *How will we maintain the tests with respect to versioning of APIs*?
>> As we know, now DHIS will be versioning APIs and there is going to be
>> likely support for last three versions of APIs. So, we should be mindful of
>> leveraging these tests for the future versions at the same time keeping
>> them for previous versions as well.
>> We thought one possible approach, say we wrote tests on 23 APIs and then
>> 24 APIs are released, we can clone the 23 repo and can create a new repo
>> for 24 version, run all the tests and can raise bugs for valid breakages or
>> fix the tests if required(if there is any change in contract of the APIs).
>> So, this way we can have multiple repos for multiple versions of APIs. Only
>> thing we need to take care of is extracting the URL to env file to make it
>> easy to maintain. Or we can have a folder for each version in the single
>> repo.
>> 2. As we already discussed about having the tests where we can set up
>> required data using APIs which looks good for now. This should actually
>> work fine when we test APIs for data elements, data sets etc. But in a
>> bigger picture if we have to write tests for APIs like datavaluesets(which
>> will give the data values of a data set). The entities involved here are
>> "data elements, data sets, users, organisation units"  and there are good
>> number of associations involved in this scenario. So what do you think
>> about such cases? Can we have a small database to preset these associations
>>  on which we can write tests and assert.
>> Understanding the above things would help us in making the tests scalable.
>> If you have any other things apart from this, we can discuss them as
>> well. Please share your opinions on these things.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 6:16 PM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Jason,
>> I see where you are coming from in terms of testing perspective.
>> Different DBs can be a good input to test metadata import and export api in
>> specific. But for a known state of DB to exist for other apis to be tested,
>> DBs that are not compatible with the version being tested would be a
>> problem.
>> @Paulo
>> I do agree with you on Option 3 so let us continue this email chain If
>> necessary then we can setup a call. So let us keep the discussion going on
>> here.
>> Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Jason Pickering <
>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> Here is my perspective. The entire purpose of the integration tests are
>> to test these types of scenarios. Is it possible to perform a bulk metadata
>> export from an arbitrary database, is sort of the test I think. Well, in
>> this case, the developer of the API (Morten) tells you not to use this
>> database because it is "old". Well, it may be old, but it is also on the
>> current version, so if this feature is supposed to work, well, it should
>> work. If not, then we need to figure out why. That is the purpose of the
>> test. I would expect this same test to work on any arbitrary database, so I
>> think its perfectly legitimate, and see no reason why we should not test
>> the SL database. Having said that, I think we should also test others, such
>> as Trainingland, and enable the tests in such a way to allow people to
>> arbitrarily test which ever system they wish. For the main tests, I think
>> we should use the SL database specifically because it is "old" and in many
>> ways, resembles a system which has been around a long time. Specfically for
>> that reason, it should be tested, at least for certain test scenarios.
>> And having said all of that, we should not be testing scenarios which the
>> feature developers wish us to test. That is not the point of these tests
>> either. Currently the feature devs are writing their own tests, which is
>> never really a good thing. The purpose of having an external team to
>> develop these tests is to test things which maybe the feature devs don't
>> consider or don't want to test.
>> Hope that helps to clarify my thinking here on what the original intent
>> of these integration tests were. Does that help?
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> P.S. Paulo's time is very limited on this project, as he is acting as a
>> part-time consultant to HISP Nordic. I suggest that we try and limit the
>> need for calls unless really urgent, especially if Paulo needs to be
>> involved. If you still feel a call is needed, lets try and start with me
>> and then bring in Paulo in as needed. Paulo, you OK with that?
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, option 3 seems to me the best approach for now. What do you think?
>> Today I have a very busy day, but probably tomorrow morning we can have a
>> call. What about 08:00AM CEST?
>> /Paulo
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 7:55 AM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hey Paulo,
>> Thanks for your efforts, will try and let you know :)
>> Jason & Paulo,
>> As Our team see a potential problem in using SL database, even we are
>> confused of how to go ahead with tests, specially on what database.
>> Here are the options that  we are looking at:
>> Option 1: Set up an empty vanilla instance. It is an empty database where
>> we can set up data using APIs and can tear down once the tests are done.
>> Entire data can be set up using a Json file or data can be created as
>> required for every test.
>> Option 2: Set up a known state of database eg., say SL database. The
>> state is maintained and we will be setting up the database before starting
>> the execution of tests. As we are using docker every time we will have new
>> instance say fresh SL database.
>> Option 3: We can have a know state of database with very low metadata in
>> it. Where in we can add new data when required using APIs, as required
>> for every test.
>> Can we have a call to discuss more on this. A 30 minutes call would do.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:38 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have build a new image that can be used now to start a database
>> container for 2.23-sierra-leone
>> image: pgracio/dhis2-db:2.23-sierra-leone
>> Give it a try and let me know if you have problems.
>> Regards,
>> Paulo
>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 10:44 AM Jason Pickering <
>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I suggest that we use the SL demo. Reason being, it is stable, and does
>> not change that much. I think that we can start with this. The Trainingland
>> database is still under very active development. However, I don't feel it
>> makes a big difference. What is important is that we use a database which
>> we know the state of. I think if Paulo can build a docker image tied to a
>> given revision of the database, and we base our tests off of that, that
>> would be the best approach.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016, 15:24 Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Nalinikanth,
>> I was using this as a reference to write the tests. https://github.com/
>> dareid/chakram/blob/master/examples/spotify.js
>> Currently using an empty database, but we can use training. No strong
>> opinions on this. Normally I prefer to have tests that don't depend on
>> database state, but in some situations it might be very difficult to create
>> the desired state before running the test.
>> To make sure we are all on the same page it's important that we use pull
>> requests, before we merge things to master.
>> BR,
>> Paulo
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 2:57 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Jason,
>> It is about what state of database we are going to use say training
>> database or sierra leone or any other known state of database or a vanilla
>> instance. Basically what is the state of the database.
>> How the tests will look like. As, we can write in so many ways, making
>> sure that we all are on same page.
>> Call for 30min would be enough for this.
>> Best Regards,
>> Nalinikanth
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 6:20 PM, Jason Pickering <
>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Nalinkath,
>> Paulo and I have quite limited time for this activity.  Could you outline
>> what the call would be about?
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016, 14:48 Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> which time zone are you in?
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 2:42 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Paulo,
>> I am working on it. Yeah I am actually looking to discuss on few things
>> with you and Jason. Can we setup a call to discuss on this based on your
>> availability. I am planing to have a call with you and Jason next week.
>> @Paulo, @Jason
>> Please let me know you availability.
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Nalinikanth,
>> are you doing any work on system test? I had a look at your repo and was
>> considering to merge that with what I have.
>> BR,
>> Paulo
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:34 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Paulo,
>> Thanks for your valuable inputs. I will try and will come back to you.
>> Regards,
>> Nalinikanth
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> HI Nalinikanth,
>> Currently new dhis2 war files for version 2.23 are generated and
>> published by this job http://ci.dhis2.org/job/dhis2-2.23/. One of the
>> final steps is copy-to-dhis2com.sh that makes this new war available for
>> download at https://www.dhis2.org/download/releases/2.23/dhis.war
>> I think we could have a downstream job that generates a new docker image
>> using the previously generated war file and publish it to docker hub.
>> Automation for this can be found here
>> https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-docker/blob/master/docker-build.sh.
>> Once the docker image is successfully generated we can run system test
>> using docker compose.
>> https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-api-system-test/blob/
>> master/docker-compose.yml
>> All of these can be executed in Jenkins server, if the server as capacity
>> to handle this, so no need to spin up new environments to execute the tests.
>> I see this as a initial step to introduce system test. With the pipeline
>> flow that I have described, we'll still deploy the war file if we detect
>> potential errors during system test. A more long term vision for dhis2
>> pipeline would be
>> #1 - build dhis2 war file, without copy the file to dhis2.com
>> #2 - build docker image, without publish to docker hub
>> #3 - run system test, if success got to #4 else notify of broken tests.
>> #4 - copy war file to dhis2.com and publish docker image to docker hub.
>> Feel free to challenge this, it's just one opinion. I guess dhis2
>> developers community might have a saying on this.
>> Best regards,
>> Paulo
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 7:48 AM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> @Paulo: It is more on how the test environments are set up, say set up a
>> docker environment and run tests on it. How the tests effect when it is a
>> environment set up using different continuous integration environments say
>> Jenkins/travis/GO etc. This kind of stuff is what I meant by maintaining
>> environments.
>> Regards,
>> Nalinikanth
>> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 12:23 AM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> @ Nalinikanth what exactly do you mean with "maintain environments"?
>> Best regards,
>> Paulo
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 1:57 PM Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> @Paulo: Thank you for your quick response Its working fine now.
>> I had a look at you repo API tests. It looks good and I wrote some tests
>> quite a while ago using the same framework. I tried to extract the data out
>> of the tests to decrease dependency and to make things easy to maintain.
>> You can find them here <https://github.com/nalinikanth/DHISTests>.
>> Please have a look at them and let me know your opinions on it.
>> @Jason & @Paulo: May be next week we can have a call to talk about how
>> the tests should look like and how we can maintain environments.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 8:57 PM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> @Gracio I'm glad with your response and I had a look at the api test repo
>> that looks good. I am on vacation till Tuesday. Will get back to you with
>> my thoughts on it soon I'm back from vacation. I would love to talk more in
>> the agreement as well, may be we can set up a call later next week or some
>> time when it's feasible for all of us.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 27-May-2016, at 7:46 PM, Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> @Nalinikanth I have updated the repo, it should be now possible to start
>> the service using training database.
>> https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-docker/blob/master/docker-compose.yml
>> https://hub.docker.com/r/pgracio/dhis2-db/tags/
>> Let me know if you have problems.
>> Best regards,
>> Paulo
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 1:00 PM Paulo Grácio <paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> @Nalinikanth, as Jason as mentioned I have created this repo to have API
>> System Tests.
>> https://github.com/pgracio/ dhis2-api-system-test
>> <https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-api-system-test>
>> This is a initial spike with 2 very basic tests. Please have a look to
>> see if we can have a common agreement on how to do the tests. It includes
>> some manual steps but soon I'll add some automation mechanism to it to run
>> the tests every time a new version is available.
>> Share your thoughts.
>> Best regards,
>> --Paulo
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 12:18 PM Paul Grácio < paulogracio@xxxxxxxxx >
>> wrote:
>> Hi Nalinikanth,
>> glad you are using dhis2-docker scripts :)
>> Currently dhis2-db image only works for version 2.21 and 2.20, this
>> needs some care from my side. Guess you are trying to run the latest
>> version, 2.23
>> @Jason is *snapshot* database dump that works with version 2.3?
>> Best regards,
>> Paul Grácio
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:00 AM Jason Pickering <
>> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> I have been meaning to mail you about this. Paolo has another repo here
>> https://github.com/pgracio/ dhis2-api-system-test
>> <https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-api-system-test>
>> which we started last week. It includes some very simply Chakram based
>> tests.
>> I think this is more or less what we discussed a few weeks back. Paolo
>> will also be working with us on this.
>> Maybe Paolo can comment more on the database.
>> I have another repo here
>> https://github.com/jason-p- pickering / dhis2-docker
>> <https://github.com/jason-p-pickering/dhis2-docker>
>> which loads the training land database. I think this should point you in
>> the right direction.
>> At any rate, we should probably start to issue some PRs on Paolo's repo
>> and then eventually, we will pull this into the main DHIS2 group repo.
>> Best regards,
>> Jason
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> To add context, I am Nalinikanth M, QA at ThoughtWorks. We are working on
>> DHIS2 for an MSF project. We wanted to automate a few tests on DHIS2. I got
>> the docker repository from Jason as we were looking for setting up test
>> environments. As a part of our Test plan we want to use Docker instances to
>> run automation tests.
>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Nalinikanth Meesala <
>> nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Gracio,
>> We are using the scripts from your repository
>> <https://github.com/pgracio/dhis2-docker> to set up a docker environment
>> for dhis2. We were able to get the application up on docker and can use the
>> application, but we are unable to get Sierra Leone database on the
>> application. Can you please help us resolve this issue.
>> P.S. : We are new to docker, we are following your Readme and docker
>> documentation to set things up.
>> -
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> Quality Analyst
>> Email nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Telephone +91 9052234588 <+91+9052234588>
>> [image: ThoughtWorks]
>> <http://www.thoughtworks.com/?utm_campaign=archana-chillala-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thoughtworks-email-signature-generator>
>> -
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> Quality Analyst
>> Email nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Telephone +91 9052234588 <+91+9052234588>
>> [image: ThoughtWorks]
>> <http://www.thoughtworks.com/?utm_campaign=archana-chillala-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thoughtworks-email-signature-generator>
>> -
>> Jason P. Pickering
>> email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx
>> tel:+46764147049 <+46764147049>
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Nalinikanth M
>> Quality Analyst

Thanks & Regards,
Nalinikanth M
Quality Analyst
Email nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Telephone +91 9052234588 <+91+9052234588>
[image: ThoughtWorks]
