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Message #50029
Re: Spanish translation of Event Capture and Tracker Capture not working
Hi devs!
Any clue about why is this happening?
*Sergio Valenzuela*
Fundación EHAS
Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
Madrid - España
Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62
2017-09-05 11:09 GMT+02:00 Sergio Valenzuela <sergio.valenzuela@xxxxxxxx>:
> Hello all,
> When we select spanish as interface language for any of the users we
> created on our local implementation, Event Report and Event Tracker (among
> other apps) are still appearing in English. *i18n_app_es.properties*
> files (these are translations from translation server) are correctly stored
> (by default) in the i18n folder for both apps. We are using 2.27 version
> and 305a73c rev.
> We saw the same behaviour on demo server.
> [image: Imágenes integradas 1]
> *[image: Imágenes integradas 2]*
> Should we report it on Jira?
> Regards!
> *Sergio Valenzuela*
> Fundación EHAS
> Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
> <http://www.ehas.org/>*
> E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
> Madrid - España
> Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62 <+34%20687%2067%2017%2062>
