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Re: DHIS2 setup problem


Hi Roger,

It is excellent news, f am confident you will have full support
(though people are less available July).

Thank you for the description of steps, will go through in more
detail. Just wanted to quickly say that in my experience, I have often
had to restart Windows after setting the environment variable for
DHIS/Tomcat to "see" it. There are ways to deal with this, one of
which is using the nice BitRock installer that Jason has been working
on. Given the number of steps in your installation guide, I would
recommend using an installer  JRE, web server and database engine, and
loads the Ghana database. Such an installer is used for example in

In addition to the Tomcat log, please go to Help -> About DHIS 2 and
check which database you are connecting to?


On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 2:04 AM, Friedman, Roger (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP)
(CTR) <rdf4@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Folks --
>     As you may haHve heard, Ghana Health Service is enthusiastic about
> installing DHIS2.  On Thursday and Friday I got to meet with their
> implementation team and tried to set them up with a working version of DHIS2
> with which to practice.  The setup instructions are attached.
>     Although I got the data into the DB (it can be seen using ODBC with the
> username/password), DHIS2 does not seem to see it, I can't even get a list
> of hierarchy levels.   Unfortunately, I neglected to get the tomcat log, but
> will do that right away.
>     Any help you could give me with resolving this would be great.
> Thanks, Roger

Knut Staring

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