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Re: Combination of categories: 3 having a level 1, and 2 of 3 having a level 2


Hi Ilias,

Not sure I understand exactly how you have set up your data elements and
data set. I'll try to explain the rules here and have made a new example on
the demo that you can look at.

Each section can have only one category combination. "default" (should
perhaps be called "none") can be considered a category combination so it
cannot be combined with another one. This rule is basically there to make
sure each section can be rendered as a table with the same number of
columns (category option combinations) for each row (data element).

You can of course create multiple sections for each category combination
(depending on which data elements that you want to group together.

I have created a test data on the /dev demo server to illustrate.

Go to http://apps.dhis2.org/dev
log in with the admin user
Go to data entry, select Sierra Leone and pick "test data set" and any
You'll see the different sections there. The bottom one called "Delivery"
has the "default" category combination.

You can then see how this was defined by going to dataset and sections and
data elements in the maintenance part of the system.


Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
Department of Informatics
University of Oslo

Mobile: +47 48069736
Home address: Eftasåsen 68, 0687 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps

On 13 December 2013 06:42, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It's what I've done. Separate section for each type of category
> combination. The problem is for data elements that do not have categories
> combination (e.g. total number of thick films made in the health center
> which is not subdivided into any category). I've used the combination
> category "default" available in the combo select categories but it doesn't
> seem to be the way.
> 2013/12/13 Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Use separate sections.
>> Sent from my mobile
>> On 13 Dec 2013 02:03, "Ilias Dine" <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is OK for the definition of data elements sections and gray fields,
>>> thank you again for the explanation. The problem now is that I can not put
>>> in the same data set data elements with combinations of categories and data
>>> elements that do not include combinations of categories.
>>> In my case, data elements as the total number of consultations, the
>>> total number of malaria cases, etc., are subdivided into categories. But
>>> other data elements as the number of pregnant women receiving ITNs or the
>>> total number of thick films made in the health center do not have category.
>>> I added a section for these items with the value "default" for the combo
>>> categories, but there is no field that appears for these data elements in
>>> the data entry. Should I create then a separate data element for entering
>>> these informations or is there other ways to manage this ?
>>> Thanks again for the help.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ilias
>>> 2013/12/11 Jason Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Hi Ilias,
>>>> >Jason is actually right : Pregnant women should not be counted in > 5
>>>> Yrs. I'll pay attention to this.
>>>> I was not really taking a position on  it one way or the other, just to
>>>> make you aware of the fact that you should not use categorical data
>>>> elements (except very carefully) for data elements whose categories do not
>>>> add to a total. If the reporting system is collecting the data that way
>>>> (meaning pregnant women are excluded from Female/>5 years) then category
>>>> options will work fine. But if the reporting system is not, that is the
>>>> case you need to be careful with.
>>>> The extreme case of this is with logistics data elements, which are
>>>> disaggregated by things like "Quantity ordered", "Quantity received", and
>>>> many other category options. If you have several hundred (or thousand) of
>>>> commodities, creating each and every "default" data element is rather
>>>> painful and inefficient. Using the option for "Skip category total in
>>>> reports" in the category combination may be more appropriate for these
>>>> types of data elements, where the category options do not add to a total.
>>>> You may then need to use other methods (indicators or SQL or whatever) to
>>>> calculate "Totals".
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jason
>>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> Hi Adebusoye,
>>>>> I understand the logic. The combination of categories created must
>>>>> have been associated first with the data element. And there's actually the
>>>>> possibility to enable or disable columns in section grey field... Thank
>>>>> you, it makes it possible to handle this case. I guess it is not possible
>>>>> to merge the two columns "sex" and that it is essential to choose a type of
>>>>> sex for pregnant women in section grey field. I then added a third option
>>>>> for sex category that I called "Sex Not Applicable" and repeated the same
>>>>> procedure. Except that: 1) I disable "Sex Not Applicable" for < 5 Yrs and >
>>>>> 5 Yrs and 2) I disable "Male" and "Female" for Pregnant Women. I will see
>>>>> what is the most obvious to use with data entry and data processing.
>>>>> Jason is actually right : Pregnant women should not be counted in > 5
>>>>> Yrs. I'll pay attention to this.
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Ilias
>>>>> 2013/12/10 Adebusoye Anifalaje <busoye@xxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> Hi Ilias,
>>>>>> 1) You create two data element categories (I assume you have already
>>>>>> created data element category options). For instance
>>>>>>         a) Age/Pregnancy (< 5 Yrs; > 5 Yrs and Pregnant Women)
>>>>>>         b) Sex ( Male Female)
>>>>>> 2) You create a category combination e.g. Malaria Age/Pregnancy + Sex.
>>>>>>         a)Select Age/Pregnancy Category (this should be on top)
>>>>>>         b) select Sex Category
>>>>>> 3) Create data set sections (you can have a look at the manual for
>>>>>> this if you are not familiar with it)
>>>>>>         a) At this stage you Pregnancy Column will also have
>>>>>> Male/Female designations
>>>>>>         b) Use the Section Grey Field Management option to disable
>>>>>> the Male column from Pregnancy.
>>>>>> If you are still unclear about how to go about any of the steps, I
>>>>>> will be happy to help clarify.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Busoye
>>>>>> On 10 Dec 2013, at 19:55, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I'm facing this problem with the definition of categories of a data
>>>>>> element. It is the total number of confirmed cases of malaria which is in
>>>>>> our system divided into 3 categories :
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1. Less than 5 years
>>>>>> > 2. More than 5 years
>>>>>> > 3. Pregnant women.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > The problem is that the categories "less than 5 years" and "more
>>>>>> than 5 years" are in turn divided into sub-categories "Male" and "Female",
>>>>>> while the category "Pregnant women" does not have this subdivision.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Is there a way to handle this situation ?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Best Regards,
>>>>>> > Ilias
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