dhis2-users team mailing list archive
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Message #12049
Re: Program Indicators
Dear Lise,
I want to develop this indicator for example:
"Total number of VL cases in children <5 years"
I have the following elements: Age, date of birth, date of enrolment and today's date
how do I go about this.
Seth Okeyo| Data Management Officer
Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative – Africa Regional Office
Tetezi Towers, 3rd Floor, George Padmore Road, Kilimani| P.O. Box 21936 - 00505| Nairobi | Kenya
T: +254 020 3995000 | M: +254 727 389 149| sokeyo@xxxxxxxx<mailto:sokeyo@xxxxxxxx> | skype: dndi_seth.okeyo
Best Science for the Most Neglected | www.dndi.org<http://www.dndi.org/>
From: GROUT, Lise <groutl@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 12:34:14 PM
To: Seth Okeyo; dhis1-users
Subject: RE: [Dhis2-users] Program Indicators
Dear Seth,
It depends which kind of program indicators you want to build. Expression is mandatory, filter is useful for some program indicators. Did you received the list of program indicators I sent you last week?
From: Dhis2-users [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+groutl=who.int@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Seth Okeyo
Sent: 20 December 2016 10:33
To: dhis1-users
Subject: [Dhis2-users] Program Indicators
I'm trying to develop program indicators for Tracker system. there is "Expression" and "Filter". do i need to use both of the sections and how?
Seth Okeyo| Data Management Officer
Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative – Africa Regional Office
Tetezi Towers, 3rd Floor, George Padmore Road, Kilimani| P.O. Box 21936 - 00505| Nairobi | Kenya
T: +254 020 3995000 | M: +254 727 389 149| sokeyo@xxxxxxxx<mailto:sokeyo@xxxxxxxx> | skype: dndi_seth.okeyo
Best Science for the Most Neglected | www.dndi.org<http://www.dndi.org/>
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