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Message #14040
Re: Betr: Import of coordinates fails in v2.27(DHIS2)
Hi all,
The CSV that Nghia provided worked – Thanks a lot!
Jesus – try that CSV. It seems the issue was on my end - I used wrong column name: “Feature Type” instead of “featureType”. Sorry for confusion
I now have minor issues such as - DHIS2 not displaying orgnit labels (crashing) but that might be because I have nearly 3000 units most of which have coordinates/ Will work around that before reporting it.
From: Jesus Solano-Roman [mailto:asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 August 2017 15:30
To: Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Nghia Nguyen <nghianguyentran92@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Betr: Import of coordinates fails in v2.27(DHIS2)
Hi again Kristiyan.
I also agree with you that this isn't a UI issue because my import failed using both the UI and the terminal (cURL) command to upload.
Nghia has provided a CSV file. I see that it has square brackets for the coordinates. I'm pretty sure I tried this before and it failed, but could you give it a try?
If it fails I'll create the JIRA issue and post the link here.
If the import fails and you're using the UI, in the import summary after you import you should see an error that says something like: value not coordinate.
In the meantime, what would be the problem with an XML file? Would it be too large? Is every entry 2000 columns?
Good luck!
On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 5:50 AM Nghia Nguyen <nghianguyentran92@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:nghianguyentran92@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Kristiyan,
Can you try this CSV format, its work ok with me in 2.27.
On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Thank you Terence. I voted, but not sure that it is the case. Import works for my build, regarding data elements, org units, etc. Only some features such as coordinates are giving problems.
From: Terence Scott [mailto:terence.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:terence.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]
Sent: 21 August 2017 12:17
To: Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: Jesus Solano-Roman <asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; Gijsbert OOMS <gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx>>; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Betr: Import of coordinates fails in v2.27(DHIS2)
Hi Kristiyan
I have experienced the same problems with import using the import tool. The UI has a bug and the issue is currently open in Jira. Please vote for the issue so that it can be prioritised and the bug can be fixed.
The Jira issue can be found here: https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2069
If you are not on Jira, it takes a few seconds to register an account and then vote for the issue.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Terence Scott
Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC)
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On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello all,
Thanks for taking time to answer my question.
I tried changing column names and did not get an error. Although, I still do not see the coordinates in the GIS app. DHIS2 is telling me that there are “No coordinates”. This works fine with manual entry of latitude and longitude but Not through a csv import.
Jesus Solano-Roman – I will be happy to support you for a ticket on JIRA. Building a XML file is not an option as I have over 2000 units (points) for my OrgUnits.
Kind Regards,
From: Jesus Solano-Roman [mailto:asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]
Sent: 17 August 2017 14:42
To: Gijsbert OOMS <gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx>>; Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Betr: Import of coordinates fails in v2.27(DHIS2)
Hello all.
I have yet to submit an issue regarding this. In my case it was impossible to upload coordinates in CSV for event data. I tried with header, without header, using square brackets for the coordinates, using quotation marks, etc.
If you have a comma without quotation marks the parser will think the second value belongs to the next column. If you have quotation marks it will not interpret the value as type coordinate and the import will fail.
The only way I got around the problem was to import the data using XML.
It would be nice to know if you can't make it work. That way I'd have more confidence submitting a ticket on JIRA.
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 6:32 AM Gijsbert OOMS <gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Kristiyan,
Would it be possible that you have one extra column somewhere (maybe a double comma) ?
The way I understood csv-imports, DHIS2 doesn't read the column names in your csv but just counts the colums (see list of colums here <https://docs.dhis2.org/2.26/en/developer/html/webapi_csv_metadata_import.html> , Table 1.17). Coordinates should be in column nr 12, url should be in nr 13. From the log, it seems that DHIS2 thinks that you try to import a url. This probably means that your coordinates are in column nr 13 or "M", while they should be in column nr 12 or "N".
Error! Filename not specified.
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Van: Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Aan: "dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>, "dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Datum: 16/08/2017 10:23
Onderwerp: [Dhis2-users] Import of coordinates fails in v2.27(DHIS2)
Verzonden door: "Dhis2-users" <dhis2-users-bounces+gijsbert.ooms=btcctb.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:btcctb.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Dear all,
My case is regarding the following: DHIS->Import->CSV->Organizational Units->Coordinates. I am not sure whether this is a bug or not well described in the documentation but import of coordinates does not work properly DHIS2 v.2.27.
I have tried numerous combinations of arranging the latitude and longitude in my .CSV file and none of that worked when import in DHIS2. My feature type is “POINT”. This is the "Conflict" I get:
Main Type Error Type Description
OrganisationUnit String Property `url` requires a valid URL, was given `[36.035858,31.871833]`.
Combinations were made with: dots, commas, space, most type of brackets, rotating latitude and longitude, etc.
When I entered coordinates manually in DHIS2 for a single OrgUnit and I could successfully view that POINT on a map. This is what I get from a XML export of Organization Units regarding manually input of coordinates:
Your help will be very appreciated as I need to enter approximately 2000 Point coordinates for Organizational Units.
Kind Regards,
Kristiyan Panayotov
Kristiyan Panayotov | Data analyst, http://www.logicaloutcomes.net/
kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<http://kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%20> | Sofia +359 889 318 878<tel:+359%2088%20931%208878> | Skype ID: kr.panayotov
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