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Message #14041
Re: Betr: Import of coordinates fails in v2.27(DHIS2)
Oh I see. Good to know for the future!
Thanks all.
On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 9:04 AM Kristiyan Panayotov <
Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The CSV that Nghia provided worked – Thanks a lot!
> Jesus – try that CSV. It seems the issue was on my end - I used wrong
> column name: “Feature Type” instead of “featureType”. Sorry for confusion
> I now have minor issues such as - DHIS2 not displaying orgnit labels
> (crashing) but that might be because I have nearly 3000 units most of which
> have coordinates/ Will work around that before reporting it.
> *From:* Jesus Solano-Roman [mailto:asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* 21 August 2017 15:30
> *To:* Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Nghia Nguyen <
> nghianguyentran92@xxxxxxxxx>
> *Cc:* Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Betr: Import of coordinates fails in
> v2.27(DHIS2)
> Hi again Kristiyan.
> I also agree with you that this isn't a UI issue because my import failed
> using both the UI and the terminal (cURL) command to upload.
> Nghia has provided a CSV file. I see that it has square brackets for the
> coordinates. I'm pretty sure I tried this before and it failed, but could
> you give it a try?
> If it fails I'll create the JIRA issue and post the link here.
> If the import fails and you're using the UI, in the import summary after
> you import you should see an error that says something like: value not
> coordinate.
> In the meantime, what would be the problem with an XML file? Would it be
> too large? Is every entry 2000 columns?
> Good luck!
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 5:50 AM Nghia Nguyen <nghianguyentran92@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Hi Kristiyan,
> Can you try this CSV format, its work ok with me in 2.27.
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Kristiyan Panayotov <
> Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thank you Terence. I voted, but not sure that it is the case. Import works
> for my build, regarding data elements, org units, etc. Only some features
> such as coordinates are giving problems.
> Kris
> *From:* Terence Scott [mailto:terence.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* 21 August 2017 12:17
> *To:* Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Cc:* Jesus Solano-Roman <asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Gijsbert OOMS <
> gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Solomon
> Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Betr: Import of coordinates fails in
> v2.27(DHIS2)
> Hi Kristiyan
> I have experienced the same problems with import using the import tool.
> The UI has a bug and the issue is currently open in Jira. Please vote for
> the issue so that it can be prioritised and the bug can be fixed.
> The Jira issue can be found here: https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2069
> If you are not on Jira, it takes a few seconds to register an account and
> then vote for the issue.
> I hope this helps.
> Kind regards,
> Terence
> Terence Scott
> Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC)
> Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON) Steering Committee
> terence.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> https://paracon.rabiesalliance.org
> Skype: tpscott1987
> [image: Image removed by sender.]
> *World Rabies Day *is on* September 28th 2017*
> [image: Image removed by sender.]
> Take action: you can register your World Rabies Day event, nominate
> someone for the WRD Awards and find out more here
> <https://rabiesalliance.org/world-rabies-day/>
> Don't forget to tweet us using #worldrabiesday
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Kristiyan Panayotov <
> Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thanks for taking time to answer my question.
> I tried changing column names and did not get an error. Although, I still
> do not see the coordinates in the GIS app. DHIS2 is telling me that there
> are “No coordinates”. This works fine with manual entry of latitude and
> longitude but Not through a csv import.
> Jesus Solano-Roman – I will be happy to support you for a ticket on JIRA.
> Building a XML file is not an option as I have over 2000 units (points) for
> my OrgUnits.
> Kind Regards,
> Kris
> *From:* Jesus Solano-Roman [mailto:asolano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* 17 August 2017 14:42
> *To:* Gijsbert OOMS <gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx>; Kristiyan Panayotov <
> Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Cc:* Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Betr: Import of coordinates fails in
> v2.27(DHIS2)
> Hello all.
> I have yet to submit an issue regarding this. In my case it was impossible
> to upload coordinates in CSV for event data. I tried with header, without
> header, using square brackets for the coordinates, using quotation marks,
> etc.
> If you have a comma without quotation marks the parser will think the
> second value belongs to the next column. If you have quotation marks it
> will not interpret the value as type coordinate and the import will fail.
> The only way I got around the problem was to import the data using XML.
> It would be nice to know if you can't make it work. That way I'd have more
> confidence submitting a ticket on JIRA.
> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 6:32 AM Gijsbert OOMS <gijsbert.ooms@xxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Hi Kristiyan,
> Would it be possible that you have one extra column somewhere (maybe a
> double comma) ?
> The way I understood csv-imports, DHIS2 doesn't read the column names in
> your csv but just counts the colums (see list of colums here
> <https://docs.dhis2.org/2.26/en/developer/html/webapi_csv_metadata_import.html>,
> Table 1.17). Coordinates should be in column nr 12, url should be in nr 13.
> From the log, it seems that DHIS2 thinks that you try to import a url. This
> probably means that your coordinates are in column nr 13 or "M", while they
> should be in column nr 12 or "N".
> *Error! Filename not specified.*
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> Van: Kristiyan Panayotov <Kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Aan: "dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <
> dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <
> dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Solomon Kununga <Solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Datum: 16/08/2017 10:23
> Onderwerp: [Dhis2-users] Import of coordinates fails in
> v2.27(DHIS2)
> Verzonden door: "Dhis2-users" <dhis2-users-bounces+gijsbert.ooms=
> btcctb.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ------------------------------
> Dear all,
> My case is regarding the following: *DHIS->Import->CSV->Organizational
> Units->Coordinates.* I am not sure whether this is a bug or not well
> described in the documentation but import of coordinates does not work
> properly DHIS2 v.2.27.
> I have tried numerous combinations of arranging the latitude and longitude
> in my .CSV file and none of that worked when import in DHIS2. My feature
> type is “POINT”. This is the "Conflict" I get:
> ~
> Main Type Error Type Description
> OrganisationUnit String Property `url` requires a valid
> URL, was given `[36.035858,31.871833]`.
> ~
> Combinations were made with: dots, commas, space, most type of brackets,
> rotating latitude and longitude, etc.
> When I entered coordinates manually in DHIS2 for a single OrgUnit and I
> could successfully view that POINT on a map. This is what I get from a XML
> export of Organization Units regarding manually input of coordinates:
> <featureType>POINT</featureType>
> <coordinates>[36.035858,31.871833]</coordinates>
> Your help will be very appreciated as I need to enter approximately 2000
> Point coordinates for Organizational Units.
> Kind Regards,
> Kristiyan Panayotov
> Kristiyan Panayotov | Data analyst, http://www.logicaloutcomes.net/
> kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <http://kristiyan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%20> |
> Sofia +359 889 318 878 <+359%2088%20931%208878> | Skype ID: kr.panayotov
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