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Re: Troubleshoot DHIS2 Admin account -- DHIS2 2.25


Hi Georgi,

Re-selecting the OrgUnits from the user's profile has fixed the issue.

Thank you!



On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 11:17 PM, Georgi Chakarov <
georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> For the users that experience this problem, try deselecting the
> organization units from their profiles and assign them only to the top
> level. Clean cache and see if this helps.
> Georgi
> *From:* Dhis2-users [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+georgi=
> logicaloutcomes.net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Raminosoa
> Rabemanantsoa, Tantely
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 15, 2017 10:52 PM
> *To:* DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; DHIS 2
> Developers list <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Subject:* [Dhis2-users] Troubleshoot DHIS2 Admin account -- DHIS2 2.25
> Dear Community,
> I would like to have some advice to troubleshoot the account where the
> orgunits at lower level (inside red rectangle) are displayed at the same
> hierarchy as the higher level. The two accounts have admin access to DHIS2
> (2.25). There are some illustrations of the Maintenance (Organisation Unit)
> App.
> ​The following picture illustrates the account to troubleshoot: The
> orgunits at lower level (inside red rectangle) are always displayed at the
> same hierarchy as the higher level.
> ​The following  picture illustrates the correct appearance of the OrgUnit
> hierarchy with the other account.
> I thought to delete the account with the abnormal behaviour and re-create
> it afterwards, but I am not sure if there are some associated parameters
> associated with this account (saved favorites, ...) that will be deleted
> with it?
> Best,
> Tantely.
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