On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 02:00:30PM -0500, Matthew Knepley wrote:
I, of course, would advocate using an IDL (since that is what I
However, I really want to take issue with the idea that we NEED
pieces in
C++. If SWIG has shown anything, its that the implementation language
not be important and wrappers are fairly easy. Much more important is
interface and the packaging.
That's a good point. We don't need to have any code in C++.
But there are good reasons for providing a C++ *interface*:
If we cannot provide a complete toolset that covers every problem,
people will have to implement some parts of the code themselves, and
people prefer to use C++. With people I mean people like ourselves in
It all depends on what you want to do. If you want to create the best
possible tools, then optimized low-level libraries with wrappers might
be the best way. But if you want to make your system
(user-)extensible, I would like to see a C++ interface, since it
allows you to implement fairly efficient new algorithms in the same
language as the interface of the toolset you are using.