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Re: different meshes within one bilinearform?


Anders Logg wrote:


(We might want to add a new class BlockMatrix as a subclass of
VirtualMatrix that automates the creation of block matrices. I think
Andy Terrel did some initial work in this direction.)


DOLFIN-dev mailing list
So I made a class that took two matrices and created a block matrix of the style:

A= (B  C')
     (C   0)

I didn't add this to cvs and might have lost the code somewhere but it was pretty straightforward to implement in sequential PETSc, otherwise I think you need to use the petsc-dev which I have been unable to get running on my computers. One thing about making a general block matrix is deciding how the blocks will be laid out, and generalizing that. I only needed 2x2 blocks, in a very specific format, but it is conceivable that people would want MxN. I think it would be just a matter of keeping track of all the right things. May be have a Class with constructor BlockMatrix(M,N,array_of_matrices), but then it would be nice have some more operations on the Matrix class like transpose to create the matrices in the array .



Andy Terrel
Computer Science Dept
University of Chicago
