Anders Logg skrev den 08/07-2008 følgende:
On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 09:35:15AM +0200, Ola Skavhaug wrote:
Could we add a default constructor to Parameter, e.g., letting it default to
int or similar? This will make it possible to wrap it with SWIG. The current
state of SWIG will declare variables like this (depending on where
Parameter lives in the argument list):
Parameter arg3;
This fails due to the lack of default constructor for Parameter. I don't know
how to get around this silly SWIG behaviour.
We could add a default constructor for an int parameter named
"undefined" with value 0 or similar. Parameter is never used directly
by a user anyway (since it will be cast automatically to the
underlying type).
I don't see how naming the parameter "undefined" would help, since 0 should be
a valid interger option. Except from that, I follow.
I have made some improvements to the SLEPc eigenvalue solver, making it
possible to set tolerance and max iter from dolfin. Another thing we should
consider is making it possible to specify the problem type, EPS_HEP, EPS_NHEP,
EPS_GHEP, or EPS_GNHEP (or so).