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Re: recompute& evaluate a function/vector


Patrick Riesen wrote:
Anders Logg wrote:
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:21:52AM +0100, Patrick Riesen wrote:

So my Etafunction is now being correctly constructed and there are the correct values in the dof-vector(). i did this by a function class definition and a call to Eta as

class Eta: public Function
Eta (Mesh& mesh, Function& gamma, Form& form, ...) : Function(mesh, form, argument_id)
{ constructor....something as above }

and then i call it as

f_eta = new Eta(.....);

in the main program.

calling Eta as Function(mesh,form,id) i thought this should create a discrete function for f_eta, but the type of the f_eta function is 'user'. this gives me an error at the assembly, "missing eval() for user-defined function..." do i have to add an dummy eval() function to my Eta-class, or what do i have to change that no eva()-missing error is raised and my f_eta function is of type discrete?

thanks for your help,

sorry, i found an error, now the Eta is of type discrete (all 3 argument functions of my form are now discrete). but the eval() error at assembly of the form is still present.
Have you called vector() inside the constructor of Eta? That should
make it discrete and the assembler should not complain. Perhaps there
is some other function in you form that is missing an eval (or a

  hi anders,
yes i did that, and now i found the error fortunately. i did not initialize the bilinear form correctly with some placeholder function for Eta. now the assembly is working, so i can go on.

thank you & regards,

hi all
my code is now running but the Eta-funcs still give me some problems. i have initialized my bilinear/linear form with two constant functions as

f_eta = new Function(mesh, 1.)
f_Deta = new Function(mesh, 1.)

the first newton iteration gives me a newtonian solution from which i take the velocity to compute the invariant in another form (gamma) and then i construct the discussed functions Eta, DEta, and renew f_eta, f_Deta as

f_eta = new Eta(gamma,.....)
f_Deta = new DEta(gamma,......)

so i guess in the second iteration it will assemble with a variable viscosity as f_eta, f_Deta are different now but it just converges to the newtonian solution.

is this a problem, that i constructed the forms with a constant function? does dolfin then not consider the values in the vector() of the new discrete functions for f_eta, f_Deta after renewing?

thanks for your support,

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