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Re: NewtonSolver parameters


On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 12:13:53PM -0500, Andy Ray Terrel wrote:
> I usually overload my own NonlinearProblem for this purpose, it makes
> it much easier to switch out different types of newton solvers as
> well.  Even the demos go back and forth on how to define a non-linear
> solver some using Variational Problem others building their own.  It
> would be nice to have a way to just give a VariationalProblem a newton
> solver.
> +1 for adding getters and setters here.

The NewtonSolver is now parametrized by the VariationalProblem so any
parameters set for a problem should be inherited by the Newton solver:

  problem.set("Newton relative tolerance", 1e-10);

I've also made the Newton solver itself directly accessible. I haven't
made any modifications to NewtonSolver itself though. I'll leave that
to Garth if he thinks it's appropriate (to allow modifying the linear
solver and preconditioner).


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