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Re: Opinions on Sync of Remote to Local


Peter Schuller wrote:
>> Automatic sync should never be dangerous and would be the right thing to
>> do, especially with an upgrade from 0.5 to 0.6 series.  It only copies
>> files, never removes them or overwrites them.
> Just to revisit this discussion; my suggested changes to synching does
> change this. That said, is it in fact a problem?
> It would be helpful to think of the archive dir as a true cache with
> no reason other than performance to keep data. If we deem it somehow
> dangerous I wonder if there are two different things lurking in one...

At the moment, we sync remote to local if something is missing in the
local cache.  In reality, that could be optional, duplicity will still
work with remote metadata, and just copy it down temporarily.  So, if we
want to go back to the old way, we now have a way to sync the two should
they get out of sync.  Not suggesting it, just an option, if we want.

As for the cache itself, if you delete it after a failed backup, you've
lost your ability to restart and have to start over.  Those files are
the only ones that have to be maintained.

Follow ups
