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[Merge] lp:~breunigs/duplicity/amazondrive into lp:duplicity


Stefan Breunig has proposed merging lp:~breunigs/duplicity/amazondrive into lp:duplicity.

Requested reviews:
  duplicity-team (duplicity-team)

For more details, see:

As announced on the mailing list, here's the patch for a native backend for AmazonDrive. I have been dogfooding the backend for quite some time and it not run into any rate limiting issues because of the development limits on the API keys. From reading bug reports for acd_cli after its limits were reduced, it seems they apply to per user rather than globally (or at least the user ones are more restrictive than the global ones). 

I recently adapted to their API changes which now use pagination and added more checks/workarounds if their API reports an error but actually worked. Please note that Amazon did not send an alert or end-of-life notice for their non-paginated API, breaking the tool in subtle cases. I am subscribed to the mailing list in case problems arise.

-- Stefan
Your team duplicity-team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~breunigs/duplicity/amazondrive into lp:duplicity.
=== modified file 'bin/duplicity.1'
--- bin/duplicity.1	2016-08-22 10:58:28 +0000
+++ bin/duplicity.1	2016-10-22 08:23:05 +0000
@@ -1011,6 +1011,15 @@
 Formats of each of the URL schemes follow:
+.B "AmazonDrive Backend"
+See also
 .BR "Azure"
@@ -1490,6 +1499,25 @@
 which aren't followed by 'foo'.  However, it wouldn't match /home even
 if /home/ben/1234567 existed.
+.IP 1.
+The API Keys used for AmazonDrive have not been granted production limits.
+Amazon do not say what the development limits are and are not replying to
+to requests to whitelist duplicity. A related tool, acd_cli, was demoted to
+development limits, but continues to work fine except for cases of excessive
+usage. If you experience throttling and similar issues with AmazonDrive using
+this backend, please report them to the mailing list.
+.IP 2.
+If you previously used the
+.BI acd+acdcli
+backend, it is strongly recommended to update to the
+.BI amazondrive
+backend instead, since it interfaces directly with AmazonDrive. You will need
+to setup the OAuth once again, but can otherwise keep your backups and config.
 The Azure backend requires the Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for Python to be
 installed on the system.
@@ -2093,6 +2121,13 @@
 Some backends also require additional components (probably available as packages for your specific platform):
+.BR "AmazonDrive backend"
+.B python-requests
+- http://python-requests.org
+.B python-requests-oauthlib
+- https://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib
 .BR "azure backend" " (Azure Blob Storage Service)"
 .B Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for Python
 - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-storage/

=== added file 'duplicity/backends/amazondrivebackend.py'
--- duplicity/backends/amazondrivebackend.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ duplicity/backends/amazondrivebackend.py	2016-10-22 08:23:05 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
+# Copyright 2016 Stefan Breunig <stefan-duplicity@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+# Based on the backend onedrivebackend.py
+# This file is part of duplicity.
+# Duplicity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# Duplicity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os.path
+import json
+import sys
+import time
+import re
+from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
+import duplicity.backend
+from duplicity.errors import BackendException
+from duplicity import globals
+from duplicity import log
+class AmazonDriveBackend(duplicity.backend.Backend):
+    """
+    Backend for AmazonDrive. It communicates directly with AmazonDrive using
+    their RESTful API and does not rely on externally setup software (like
+    acd_cli).
+    """
+    OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.duplicity_amazondrive_oauthtoken.json')
+    OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = 'https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa'
+    OAUTH_TOKEN_URL = 'https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token'
+    # NOTE: Amazon requires https, which is why I am using my domain/setup
+    # instead of Duplicity's. Mail me at stefan-duplicity@xxxxxxxxxxx once it is
+    # available through https and I will whitelist the new URL.
+    OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL = 'https://breunig.xyz/duplicity/copy.html'
+    OAUTH_SCOPE = ['clouddrive:read_other', 'clouddrive:write']
+    CLIENT_ID = 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.791c9c2d78444e85a32eb66f92eb6bcc'
+    CLIENT_SECRET = '5b322c6a37b25f16d848a6a556eddcc30314fc46ae65c87068ff1bc4588d715b'
+    MULTIPART_BOUNDARY = 'DuplicityFormBoundaryd66364f7f8924f7e9d478e19cf4b871d114a1e00262542'
+    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
+        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)
+        self.metadata_url = 'https://drive.amazonaws.com/drive/v1/'
+        self.content_url = 'https://content-na.drive.amazonaws.com/cdproxy/'
+        self.names_to_ids = {}
+        self.backup_target_id = None
+        self.backup_target = parsed_url.path.lstrip('/')
+        if globals.volsize > (10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024):
+            # https://forums.developer.amazon.com/questions/22713/file-size-limits.html
+            # https://forums.developer.amazon.com/questions/22038/support-for-chunked-transfer-encoding.html
+            log.FatalError(
+                'Your --volsize is bigger than 10 GiB, which is the maximum '
+                'file size on AmazonDrive that does not require work arounds.')
+        try:
+            global requests
+            global OAuth2Session
+            import requests
+            from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
+        except ImportError:
+            raise BackendException(
+                'AmazonDrive backend requires python-requests and '
+                'python-requests-oauthlib to be installed.\n\n'
+                'For Debian and derivates use:\n'
+                '  apt-get install python-requests python-requests-oauthlib\n'
+                'For Fedora and derivates use:\n'
+                '  yum install python-requests python-requests-oauthlib')
+        self.initialize_oauth2_session()
+        self.resolve_backup_target()
+    def initialize_oauth2_session(self):
+        """Setup or refresh oauth2 session with AmazonDrive"""
+        def token_updater(token):
+            """Stores oauth2 token on disk"""
+            try:
+                with open(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH, 'w') as f:
+                    json.dump(token, f)
+            except Exception as err:
+                log.Error('Could not save the OAuth2 token to %s. This means '
+                          'you may need to do the OAuth2 authorization '
+                          'process again soon. Original error: %s' % (
+                              self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH, err))
+        token = None
+        try:
+            with open(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH) as f:
+                token = json.load(f)
+        except IOError as err:
+            log.Notice('Could not load OAuth2 token. '
+                       'Trying to create a new one. (original error: %s)' % err)
+        self.http_client = OAuth2Session(
+            self.CLIENT_ID,
+            scope=self.OAUTH_SCOPE,
+            redirect_uri=self.OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL,
+            token=token,
+            auto_refresh_kwargs={
+                'client_id': self.CLIENT_ID,
+                'client_secret': self.CLIENT_SECRET,
+            },
+            auto_refresh_url=self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URL,
+            token_updater=token_updater)
+        if token is not None:
+            self.http_client.refresh_token(self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URL)
+        endpoints_response = self.http_client.get(self.metadata_url
+                                                  + 'account/endpoint')
+        if endpoints_response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+            token = None
+        if token is None:
+            if not sys.stdout.isatty() or not sys.stdin.isatty():
+                log.FatalError('The OAuth2 token could not be loaded from %s '
+                               'and you are not running duplicity '
+                               'interactively, so duplicity cannot possibly '
+                               'access AmazonDrive.' % self.OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH)
+            authorization_url, _ = self.http_client.authorization_url(
+                self.OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL)
+            print ''
+            print ('In order to allow duplicity to access AmazonDrive, please '
+                   'open the following URL in a browser and copy the URL of the '
+                   'page you see after authorization here:')
+            print authorization_url
+            print ''
+            redirected_to = (raw_input('URL of the resulting page: ')
+                             .replace('http://', 'https://', 1))
+            token = self.http_client.fetch_token(
+                self.OAUTH_TOKEN_URL,
+                client_secret=self.CLIENT_SECRET,
+                authorization_response=redirected_to)
+            endpoints_response = self.http_client.get(self.metadata_url
+                                                      + 'account/endpoint')
+            endpoints_response.raise_for_status()
+            token_updater(token)
+        urls = endpoints_response.json()
+        if 'metadataUrl' not in urls or 'contentUrl' not in urls:
+            log.FatalError('Could not retrieve endpoint URLs for this account')
+        self.metadata_url = urls['metadataUrl']
+        self.content_url = urls['contentUrl']
+    def resolve_backup_target(self):
+        """Resolve node id for remote backup target folder"""
+        response = self.http_client.get(
+            self.metadata_url + 'nodes?filters=kind:FOLDER AND isRoot:true')
+        parent_node_id = response.json()['data'][0]['id']
+        for component in [x for x in self.backup_target.split('/') if x]:
+            # There doesn't seem to be escaping support, so cut off filter
+            # after first unsupported character
+            query = re.search('^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*', component).group(0)
+            if component != query:
+                query = query + '*'
+            matches = self.read_all_pages(
+                self.metadata_url + 'nodes?filters=kind:FOLDER AND name:%s '
+                                    'AND parents:%s' % (query, parent_node_id))
+            candidates = [f for f in matches if f.get('name') == component]
+            if len(candidates) >= 2:
+                log.FatalError('There are multiple folders with the same name '
+                               'below one parent.\nParentID: %s\nFolderName: '
+                               '%s' % (parent_node_id, component))
+            elif len(candidates) == 1:
+                parent_node_id = candidates[0]['id']
+            else:
+                log.Debug('Folder %s does not exist yet. Creating.' % component)
+                parent_node_id = self.mkdir(parent_node_id, component)
+        log.Debug("Backup target folder has id: %s" % parent_node_id)
+        self.backup_target_id = parent_node_id
+    def get_file_id(self, remote_filename):
+        """Find id of remote file in backup target folder"""
+        if remote_filename not in self.names_to_ids:
+            self._list()
+        return self.names_to_ids.get(remote_filename)
+    def mkdir(self, parent_node_id, folder_name):
+        """Create a new folder as a child of a parent node"""
+        data = {'name': folder_name, 'parents': [parent_node_id], 'kind' : 'FOLDER'}
+        response = self.http_client.post(
+            self.metadata_url + 'nodes',
+            data=json.dumps(data))
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        return response.json()['id']
+    def multipart_stream(self, metadata, source_path):
+        """Generator for multipart/form-data file upload from source file"""
+        boundary = self.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY
+        yield str.encode('--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; '
+                         'name="metadata"\r\n\r\n' % boundary +
+                         '%s\r\n' % json.dumps(metadata) +
+                         '--%s\r\n' % boundary)
+        yield b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content"; filename="i_love_backups"\r\n'
+        yield b'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n'
+        with source_path.open() as stream:
+            while True:
+                f = stream.read(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+                if f:
+                    yield f
+                else:
+                    break
+        yield str.encode('\r\n--%s--\r\n' % boundary +
+                         'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary)
+    def read_all_pages(self, url):
+        """Iterates over nodes API URL until all pages were read"""
+        result = []
+        next_token = ''
+        token_param = '&startToken=' if '?' in url else '?startToken='
+        while True:
+            paginated_url = url + token_param + next_token
+            response = self.http_client.get(paginated_url)
+            if response.status_code != 200:
+                raise BackendException("Pagination failed with status=%s on "
+                                       "URL=%s" % (response.status_code, url))
+            parsed = response.json()
+            if 'data' in parsed and len(parsed['data']) > 0:
+                result.extend(parsed['data'])
+            else:
+                break
+            # Do not make another HTTP request if everything is here already
+            if len(result) >= parsed['count']:
+                break
+            if 'nextToken' not in parsed:
+                break
+            next_token = parsed['nextToken']
+        return result
+    def raise_for_existing_file(self, remote_filename):
+        """Report error when file already existed in location and delete it"""
+        self._delete(remote_filename)
+        raise BackendException('Upload failed, because there was a file with '
+                               'the same name as %s already present. The file was '
+                               'deleted, and duplicity will retry the upload unless '
+                               'the retry limit has been reached.' % remote_filename)
+    def _put(self, source_path, remote_filename):
+        """Upload a local file to AmazonDrive"""
+        quota = self.http_client.get(self.metadata_url + 'account/quota')
+        quota.raise_for_status()
+        available = quota.json()['available']
+        source_size = os.path.getsize(source_path.name)
+        if source_size > available:
+            raise BackendException(
+                'Out of space: trying to store "%s" (%d bytes), but only '
+                '%d bytes available on AmazonDrive.' % (
+                    source_path.name, source_size, available))
+        # Just check the cached list, to avoid _list for every new file being
+        # uploaded
+        if remote_filename in self.names_to_ids:
+            log.Debug('File %s seems to already exist on AmazonDrive. Deleting '
+                      'before attempting to upload it again.' % remote_filename)
+            self._delete(remote_filename)
+        metadata = {'name': remote_filename, 'kind': 'FILE',
+                    'parents': [self.backup_target_id]}
+        headers = {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s'
+                                   % self.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}
+        data = self.multipart_stream(metadata, source_path)
+        response = self.http_client.post(
+            self.content_url + 'nodes?suppress=deduplication',
+            data=data,
+            headers=headers)
+        if response.status_code == 409: # "409 : Duplicate file exists."
+            self.raise_for_existing_file(remote_filename)
+        elif response.status_code == 201:
+            log.Debug('%s uploaded successfully' % remote_filename)
+        elif response.status_code == 408 or response.status_code == 504:
+            log.Info('%s upload failed with timeout status code=%d. Speculatively '
+                     'waiting for %d seconds to see if AmazonDrive finished the '
+                     'upload anyway' % (remote_filename, response.status_code,
+                                        globals.timeout))
+            tries = globals.timeout / 15
+            while tries >= 0:
+                tries -= 1
+                time.sleep(15)
+                remote_size = self._query(remote_filename)['size']
+                if source_size == remote_size:
+                    log.Debug('Upload turned out to be successful after all.')
+                    return
+                elif remote_size == -1:
+                    log.Debug('Uploaded file is not yet there, %d tries left.'
+                              % (tries+1))
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.raise_for_existing_file(remote_filename)
+            raise BackendException('%s upload failed and file did not show up '
+                                   'within time limit.' % remote_filename)
+        else:
+            log.Debug('%s upload returned an undesirable status code %s'
+                      % (remote_filename, response.status_code))
+            response.raise_for_status()
+        parsed = response.json()
+        if 'id' not in parsed:
+            raise BackendException('%s was uploaded, but returned JSON does not '
+                                   'contain ID of new file. Retrying.\nJSON:\n\n%s'
+                                   % (remote_filename, parsed))
+        # XXX: The upload may be considered finished before the file shows up
+        # in the file listing. As such, the following is required to avoid race
+        # conditions when duplicity calls _query or _list.
+        self.names_to_ids[parsed['name']] = parsed['id']
+    def _get(self, remote_filename, local_path):
+        """Download file from AmazonDrive"""
+        with local_path.open('wb') as local_file:
+            file_id = self.get_file_id(remote_filename)
+            if file_id is None:
+                raise BackendException(
+                    'File "%s" cannot be downloaded: it does not exist' %
+                    remote_filename)
+            response = self.http_client.get(
+                self.content_url + '/nodes/' + file_id + '/content', stream=True)
+            response.raise_for_status()
+            for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
+                if chunk:
+                    local_file.write(chunk)
+            local_file.flush()
+    def _query(self, remote_filename):
+        """Retrieve file size info from AmazonDrive"""
+        file_id = self.get_file_id(remote_filename)
+        if file_id is None:
+            return {'size': -1}
+        response = self.http_client.get(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + file_id)
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        return {'size': response.json()['contentProperties']['size']}
+    def _list(self):
+        """List files in AmazonDrive backup folder"""
+        files = self.read_all_pages(
+            self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + self.backup_target_id +
+            '/children?filters=kind:FILE')
+        self.names_to_ids = {f['name']: f['id'] for f in files}
+        return self.names_to_ids.keys()
+    def _delete(self, remote_filename):
+        """Delete file from AmazonDrive"""
+        file_id = self.get_file_id(remote_filename)
+        if file_id is None:
+            raise BackendException(
+                'File "%s" cannot be deleted: it does not exist' % (
+                    remote_filename))
+        response = self.http_client.put(self.metadata_url + 'trash/' + file_id)
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        del self.names_to_ids[remote_filename]
+duplicity.backend.register_backend('amazondrive', AmazonDriveBackend)

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