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Re: Developer Environment For Elementary OS


2012/9/5 Darcy Brás da Silva <dardevelin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> No, I wasn't aware of such blueprints, I guess it's a bit faulty on my
> side on not checking it before other the talking about the idea on IRC.
> I will certainly have a deep look at it. Thanks

Discussing it on IRC is fine, and we can't require anybody to look at
blueprints because few people are aware of them or the way they work.

You seem to be describing means of introduction developers to the tools and
libraries they're supposed to use in your last message; I'd rather not
scatter it across such a heavyweight thing as ISO image and collect all the
instructions in one place, which we're kinda doing at the moment (see
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/elementaryweb/+spec/developer-guide). But
again, this is post-Luna stuff, at least as far as "core" developer
involvement goes.

Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
OS architect @ elementary
